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Baseball Saved Us
Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
17 posts | 11 read | 5 to read
A Japanese American boy learns to play baseball when he and his family are forced to live in an internment camp during World War II, and his ability to play helps him after the war is over.
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Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
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Challenged in 2006 for using a derogatory word to describe the young Japanese American MC, this book touches on the Japanese Interment camps in the US during WWII and how baseball helped the MC cope and excel. This #PictureBook is probably better suited for an older child, and one that especially likes baseball. The illustrations add to the dusty, hot atmosphere of the camp setting. #BBRC #LetterC

LibrarianRyan Not heard of this one. Stacked 2y
Leftcoastzen I love this book! 2y
mandarchy This book pairs well with Dear Ichiro by Okimoto. 2y
Librarybelle @LibrarianRyan @Leftcoastzen This particular edition came with the book on audio. I did not listen to it, but I think that‘s an awesome way for kids to immerse into the reading - listening to the book while following along with the printed text and viewing the illustrations. 2y
Librarybelle Good to know, @mandarchy ! 2y
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Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
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(Author: Ken Mochizuki; Illustrator: Dom Lee)

This HF is about a Japanese-American boy who, together with the others in his internment camp, decided to build a baseball diamond and form a league in an attempt to gain dignity and self-respect. This would be great for a PR, especially between pairs of students taking turns to read paragraphs and discuss the text to ensure understanding.

kgarzon https://www.rif.org/sites/default/files/Support_Materials/Baseball-Saved-Us-Teac... This serves as a great resource for how to connect this story to a social studies topic.

EL Strategy 6: Continually monitor students‘ comprehension (by having students work in pairs)

UDL Principle 3.1: Activate or supply background knowledge (by providing information relevant to this event in history prior to reading).
haleyklein This seems like a really cool and powerful read, I can‘t wait to give this a try! Thanks for sharing! 5y
DrSpalding I noted this on your log, that I thought this was a true story however you are correct. It is historical fiction. 5y
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Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

“We stayed there for a while until we came here.”

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

This book is a great way for students to start learning about U.S history and what happened. I wouldn‘t recommend this for young students.

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

This book really examines an ugly part of American history where we detained Japanese-Americans in internment camps during World War II. You can‘t help but root for the underdog in this situation and this book is very uplifting and inspiring.

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

“We stayed there for a while until we came here.”

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

These sentences are longer and the vocabulary is also more advanced.

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

A very good book and a really detailed story. This is a story for older children who are being introduced to WWII. This would be a great story for children who love sports, too.

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

"Yesterday I was a young Japanese boy and today I am a baseball player."

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

I love how they introduced sports to Historical Fiction. This will grab a child's attention quickly.

Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki

This book will grab any boys attention right away. Many boys today feel very connected to their sport, so this will be a story that will capture their hearts into historical fiction. This story, about a Japanese boy who sent to an internment camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor with his family is both heartbreaking and inspiring as his father builds him a baseball diamond.

Rating 3/5


Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
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The Parents Choice Gold Award, Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochizuki and illustrated by Dom Lee is a HF that would be great for GR.

supan.katherine This is story about Shorty and his family, as well as other Japanese Americans, were sent to internment camps while the U.S. was at war with Japan. Times were very difficult at the camps, so Shorty and his father decided to create a baseball field and league to uplift the environment of the camp. With always being picked on for being the smallest on the team, Shorty became discouraged. But he never allowed that to stop him from continung. 7y
supan.katherine https://www.leeandlow.com/images/pdfs/baseball.pdf This website includes before, during, and after reading questions that would help monitor our students comprehension levels. And the best part about this website is that it also includes interdisciplinary actives that goes along with the book. (edited) 7y
supan.katherine UDL 9.1: Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation. EL 6: Continually monitor students‘ comprehension. #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Your six page resource, is an example of a resource that encourages best practice. It is interdisciplinary and of course includes before during and after read aloud techniques. Excellent! 7y
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Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
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This award winning HF is about a young boy "Shorty" who is sent to an internment camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Shorty and his father build a baseball diamond to boost morale around the camp. Check out this teacher guide for tips on pre reading, discussions for during and after the book, and lots more! https://www.leeandlow.com/images/pdfs/baseball.pdf #UCFLAE3414su17

DrSpalding Another fabulous book to integrate SS and literacy! Beautiful story! 7y
DrSpalding I just noticed that your resource includes the idea of having students keep a readers response journal. That is exactly what we are doing in class with our readings. Very cool resource. You should notice that it looks similar in format to the expectations put forth in your read aloud assignment. Vocabulary, setting a purpose, questions… This is an example of a best practice lesson. 7y
Jerricajay @DrSpalding Yes I love the ideas in this lesson. I found it on the publishers website! 7y
tfundora Oh wow this looks like such a good read!! Great resources! 7y
Diana_S I remember reading this book in elementary school, I have been looking for it every where! I loved this book and how the characters try to find joy in hard times. 7y
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Baseball Saved Us | Ken Mochizuki
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This is a historical fiction book about a Japanese internment camp during World War II. The boy's father decided to build a baseball field to help lift the spirits of those in the camp. They have teams and they play against each other and it helps them forget for at least a little bit where they are. This resource gives more information on life in the interment camps http://amhistory.si.edu/ourstory/activities/internment/ #ucflae3414sp17

AnastasiaH This is such a powerful story, it's so important for students to learn about these times in our history. A great way to incorporate social studies! 7y
DrSpalding You used the Smithsonian Institute's resource. Very impressive. Everyone take note of this high-quality resource. 7y
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