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For We Are Many
For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
8 posts | 23 read | 8 to read
Bob Johansson didn't believe in an afterlife, so waking up after being killed in a car accident was a shock. To add to the surprise, he is now a sentient computer and the controlling intelligence for a Von Neumann probe. Bob and his copies have been spreading out from Earth for 40 years now, looking for habitable planets. But that's the only part of the plan that's still in one piece. A system-wide war has killed off 99.9% of the human race; nuclear winter is slowly making the Earth uninhabitable; a radical group wants to finish the job on the remnants of humanity; the Brazilian space probes are still out there, still trying to blow up the competition; And the Bobs have discovered a spacefaring species that sees all other life as food. Bob left Earth anticipating a life of exploration and blissful solitude. Instead he's become a sky god to a primitive native species, the only hope for getting humanity to a new home, and possibly the only thing that can prevent every living thing in the local sphere from ending up as dinner.
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For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"Daedalus and I had been accelerating for 52 years now Earth time."

Not Till We Are Lost: Bobiverse, Book 5 by Dennis E. Taylor

Not yet in database, so tagged another book in the series.

For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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A seamless continuation of the first book. However, things start to become more serious as the universe starts to weigh more heavily on the Bobs‘ shoulders.

For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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Jaimelire What‘s the title of the first book? I feel like a good sci-fi. Thanks😀 4y
JoyBlue @Jaimelire It's called We Are Legion (We Are Bob). The four-book series is referred to as The Bobiverse. 4y
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For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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Thanks for the tag @Blueberry

1. 1 fluently, English. A few years of HS and college Spanish, but I‘d never consider myself anywhere near fluent there.

2. For We Are Many, great series! Recommend if you enjoyed Murderbot

3. 1, I‘ve been feeling under the weather, so last night it was toast.

4. 😂🙄🤔

5. Anybody interested who hasn‘t yet😉


Bookzombie Hope you feel better. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookzombie Thank you. Just feeling drained and with a funky stomach, so I‘ve been going light and bland especially before bed. Planning on resting up this weekend and hoping it just blows over. 🤞 5y
alisiakae Hope you feel better soon! 5y
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For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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I 💙 this universe trekking series!

Bob was cryogenically frozen when he died and after his death his consciousness was bought and downloaded into a computer to help mankind when we‘ve about pushed our species to the brink of extinction...book 2 continues right where book one left off, with Bob and his clones trying to herd cantankerous humans to new planets & making first contacts, not all of them friendly.

* Recommended if you enjoy Murderbot

TheSpineView I love the whole series!❤ 5y
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For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor

Solid seconds

For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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Book 2 of The Bobiverse Trilogy is a nice addition to the series. It picks up right where Book 1 leaves off. Overall, I think Book 2 is a little better than the first one. I like this series because it‘s easy to listen to, the narrator is good, and it doesn‘t get overly complicated, which some sci-fi novels tend to do. The story gets better as it goes, and I‘ll probably go ahead and begin Final book of the series. Overall rating: 4.22

For We Are Many | Dennis E Taylor
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I just finished the final book in this set, and it definitely delivered. The entire series is amazing, It has the right level of science fiction to humanity ratio. I hope that the author comes back to this series, it could expanded on in so many ways. The series coming to a close is the only thing I didn't like. In its own way that should speak volumes about how perfect this series is.

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