Really fun YA! Quick and easy read with a super cute storyline and fun characters - perfect before bed type of book (:
Really fun YA! Quick and easy read with a super cute storyline and fun characters - perfect before bed type of book (:
I was not the target audience for this book. Penny doesn‘t seem too impressed with it, either. Or is it me she‘s unimpressed with since I‘m not actively petting her or giving her treats? Hard to tell.
“Because you slept with my mother to create me and she isn‘t white, you think that somehow adds up to you not being ‘you know, prejudiced?”
Whee! My library holds for #AsianLitBingo came in. I‘m excited to read these!
Today‘s work listen. So far my only quibble with how scribd plays audiobooks is I haven‘t figured out how, if it‘s possible, to get an exact time left in a title.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoy playing this quick listen (6hr 39mins). 16 year old, Jordanian-American, Tal, unexpectedly finds her rock star father on her doorstep. She grew up believing he was dead. This is the story of how she learns the truth about her parents, their relationship and how she navigates forging a relationship with him. Lots of musical references that were lost on me. #ya #yaaddict #romantsy #readdiverseauthors #pocauthor
TL:dr: 16 Girl meets her dad for the first time and goes on a road trip to meet her dying grandpa—oh an her dad is a famous rock star.
Teen voice seems authentic
POC character (Arab)
Female author
Characters are somewhat thin
Short time frame of story, over a handful of days, makes connection seem unrealistic
This is a gentle, enjoyable story; short, light, and nice.
Taliah discovers her father is the indie rock star, Julian Oliver. She writes to him for 3 years after finding a box of his bands pictures and articles in her moms office with no response. Then one day someone knocks on her door while her mom is away in Paris and she comes face to face with her father.
The story was about love and loss and how people connect through music
I enjoyed it but there wasn‘t anything that made it spectacular.
This week‘s #First5 from @EpicReads
Interesting start, seems fluffy, but has diversity. I will keep reading then decide if it goes on my tbr.
1. So sorry to hear about your friend, here‘s a photo of my sleepy kitten Alastor with his bunny rabbit feet.
2. I love reading (obviously) but I also like swimming and hiking.
3. Fruit: BlackBerry or Raspberry. Vegetable: Broccoli.
4. My grandma always sends me an advent calendar should be coming soon.
5. Will do. 💜
I forgot to post this a few weeks ago, but I thought this was just “okay”. The writing is cute and the diverse rep is wonderful, but there‘s a very unnecessary and forced romantic subplot, and some super un-enjoyable characters.
Happy Friday!! I‘m currently reading this beauty courtesy of Balzer + Bray and Edelweiss! ❤️❤️❤️