My twenty books for February‘s #bookspin.
My twenty books for February‘s #bookspin.
Here's my Top 10 Reads of 2018. Overall, I had a great reading year. I read a total of 54 books, which is 15 more than what I did last year. I discovered new and wonderful authors. I laughed, I cried, I got angry, but most importantly, I had fun. Here's to 2019 and my goal of 60 books. Happy New Years, everyone!
Audible has a $6.95 sale 😬 I used restraint.
I loved this book from beginning to end! This retelling of Beauty and the Beast is set in Nazi Germany and it is so f'ing amazing. Although this book is considered a Historical Romance, it is much more than that. It actually looks at the human condition and the choices the characters make during a horrendous event in our history and how it defines them as a person. This book is well researched, heartbreaking, and beautifully written Read it. 5/5.
1. Ice cream or just a vanilla malt milkshake.
2. Please Feed Phil and The Good Place.
3. I think every book I read I stress out. I get so invested with the stories that I will put the book down, walk away, make tea, then procede with reading in an hour.
4. It has been 7 months since I've joined.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1. In my bed
2. Bookmark
3. I can stop reading, but try to get to a scene
4. I can drink, no eating
5. Instrumental music
6. One book at a time
7. Everywhere, just not in cars
8. Silently
9. No
10. Break them
11. Yup
12. Everyone!
I met this author this summer in Oregon. Everyone was oohing and ahing over her, and then she got up and told an old Irish Tale that was handed down in her family. She was amazing so I bought this book. It's a retelling of Beauty and the Beast set in Nazi Germany. So far it's amazing and I love the Narrator. She is Not just a story-teller, but a writer. Better yet, she has a new book out there. I think she has a new fan. #bitmoji
In love with the Beauty and the Beast ornament I snagged at the thrift store today!
Has anybody read this?! It came up in my BookBub daily deals and it has both WWII + a Beauty and the Beast retelling? I'm sold...almost....
This was fantastic. I love Forsyth's writing, and I think she did an amazing job at showing the impact of war on day to day life, for all kinds of people
"We allowed this evil to take root in our soil, and we fed it the blood that allowed it to flourish. We shut our eyes to its dreadful flowering. We must take responsibility for that."
#readjanuary day 2: my #tbr pile next to my bed. #thismonthstbr @RealLifeReading