This was an amazingly well written yet very straight forward discovery/mystery story. This is very light on the sci fi but a good set up for the rest of the trilogy, I'm hoping. 3.5/5 stars.
This was an amazingly well written yet very straight forward discovery/mystery story. This is very light on the sci fi but a good set up for the rest of the trilogy, I'm hoping. 3.5/5 stars.
Cayce Pollard has an unusual allergy that causes her to react phobically to certain brand logos. The same sensitivity makes her a valuable consultant for companies contemplating a redesign. This was the first book by William Gibson I've read, and it took me some very interesting and unexpected places.
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 3
Seven book covers in seven days.
No explanation.
Does anyone else have trouble with this guy‘s prose? I know it‘s cool and funky and zeitgeisty but it doesn‘t ‘scan‘. I‘m left feeling I‘m missing a lot of meaning or is it just poorly written?
Messy and crazy but ultimately a page turner and rewarding
My first effort of #spinepoetry. Pattern recognition,
The shadow of the crescent moon.
The sheltering sky constellations,
The divine feminine fire,
singing at the top of our lungs
I haven't pulled a read all night binge in a few years. These are three of my all night, can't put them down...oups... the sun is going up reading. One of my most memorable ones is reading Silent of the lambs, finishing it around 4am and not be able to go to sleep.
A very good read; well-written, though not a book I could read while tired. The notion of a trademark phobia was very interesting, and it made me pay more attention to them in real life. The whole who's on Cayce side and who's against her got a little old, but at least all the characters were intriguing. Will probably read Blue Ant #2. #specfic #scifi
Does anyone else find it jarring when scifi or SpecFic novels reference outdated technology? I was fine with the references to the old cube Apple computers, but Netscape threw me. #scifi #specfic #bookclubpick #lolmoment
Just hit 1,000 litfluence! So exciting; you kittens are the best!
On a book note, I'm finding it hard to read this one while tired, though I'm enjoying it. I may have to scramble to finish it for book club on Monday around my busy weekend.
Late start on this month's Ship's Log book club pick. #sciencefiction #scifi #canadianauthor #bookclub
Brand consulting. Espionage. Hacking. 9/11. A lot going on. Not much makes sense.
#ReadingWomenMonth / day 19 / #CanadianAuthors I have to admit I had to look this one up. I did recall Atwood and Gibson, but I don't think I knew about Martel or DeWitt. Pattern Recognition was my first Gibson and holds a special place in my heart!
In a weird fog moments take place that then do not to fall apart but seem to recede and fade away. Only really working to build layers of tension with reader not knowing more than our lead.
I was skeptical at first but this is all it is cracked up to be.
"...she imagines her soul bobbing stupidly, somewhere back over the concrete of Heathrow, its invisible tether spooling steadily out of her."
Jumping on the #recommendsday wagon! This was my first read by William Gibson and I feel like it fundamentally altered my DNA. Gibson is so gifted at capturing ephemeral beauty, something so gorgeous and heartbreaking at the same time. It's a theme I see in all his work, but this one blew me away.
Just saw on William Gibson's Twitter that the eBook of Pattern Recognition is on sale for $3.99! It's a departure from his sci-fi stuff, but a really great read and the start of a fantastic trilogy. Highly recommended!
(link to the eBook: http://bit.ly/1YzIxNo)
⭐️⭐️ - I love William Gibson, but didn't love this book. It has his typical great style, and the main character Cayce Pollard is a likable and well-developed protagonist, but at no point did the story or supporting characters ever really grab my interest. Only finished because it's Gibson.
I've started and stopped this book almost a half dozen times, not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I picked it up at the wrong times and found myself having to put it aside for work or school or just life stuff. I've got it on audio and Kindle now, so let's do this.