This was really good and an “easy” read. (😜) I was surprised when it even made me cry. Lucas is definitely one of my types so I enjoyed reading his descriptions, I was hooked!
This was really good and an “easy” read. (😜) I was surprised when it even made me cry. Lucas is definitely one of my types so I enjoyed reading his descriptions, I was hooked!
Love is not the absence of logic, but logic examined and recalculated, heated and curved to fit inside the contours of the heart
This month I‘ve read some amazing OG #indieromance books!! #tarrynfisher #alessandratorre #tammarawebber #katestewart #laurelinpage #katyevans
Have you read any of these old gems? 2011-2017 published.
1. I guess the fact that my toe isn‘t broken is good. Still hurts though 😩
2. The tagged book
3. One of my co-teachers likes the Warriors because she‘s from there.
4. Lord of the Flies. I wasn‘t emotionally ready for it and it totally destroyed my innocence.
Thanks for the tag @LokiDokey 😘 I‘ll tag @BooksTeasAndBookishThings and @rachelm
I need a new ereader, until then I am reading iBooks straight off my computer. It does work well for eating and reading at the same time. Anyway, I really liked this book. I got sucked in and read the whole thing in two days. I want to explore the #newadult genre more and I know this book is on a lot of the top 10 lists.
“Awareness and apologies were fine and good, but they could come too late.”
Mir hat die ganze Reihe mega gefallen. Ich war hin und weg von Lucas/Landon. Obwohl mir so was eher selten passiert. 😅 Die Protagonistin war super. Nicht naiv oder blöd 😃 sondern sehr sympathisch. Eine Beziehung auf Augenhöhe 🤗💪
Sehr zu empfehlen.
My all-time favorite book. I love the dialogue between the two leads and the easy love that developed.
A tender love story amidst some tough subject-matter (especially for me as I have a daughter at college). #romantsy #osrbc
I didn't expect to adore this book so much. Deals pretty realistically yet sensitively with a sensitive topic. 😍 Definitely a win!!
"People rarely said what they thought, or revealed how they felt. No one was honest." (Easy by Tammara Webber)
My Rating: 5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I inhaled this book in a day. It was the bookish equivalent of a pack of Oreos, or potato chips, suddenly the whole pack is gone.