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Evermore - Der blaue Mond
Evermore - Der blaue Mond: Roman | Alyson Noel
Wahre Liebe fragt nicht nach dem Warum Ever hat ihre wahre Liebe gefunden. Jetzt ist sie endlich glcklich, denn Damen bleibt fr immer bei ihr. So lange hat er sie gesucht, nun kann sie nichts mehr trennen. Ihre Liebe ist unsterblich wie sie selbst. Doch pltzlich droht sich alles zu verndern. Damen wird von einer mysterisen Krankheit erfasst, die ihn vllig verndert. Seine Krfte schwinden zusehends, und sein Verhalten wird fr Ever immer unerklrlicher. Er scheint sie gar nicht mehr wahrzunehmen und sich von ihr abzuwenden. Aber was kann sie tun, um ihn zu retten? In ihrer Not bricht sie auf in das geheimnisvolle Sommerland, um eine Antwort zu finden, und wird dort vor die schwerste Entscheidung ihres Lebens gestellt.
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For the year 2009 I selected this title. Im giving it a pick despite the fact it does have some issues with lagging and our heroine Ever at times makes me want to shake her a bit. With that said I still found this to be a sweet read and it definitely qualifies as mind candy as far as not being a heavy read #romantsy #19822022 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I remember when this was first published! 3y
KristiAhlers @Librarybelle this was brand new to me. Had it recommended to me by a book seller at my local independent! 3y
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#springsentiments #imprudent

Day28: Imprudent

The main character in this series, Ever Bloom was quite imprudent. She kept making dumb choices regardless the consequences or what others said. I found myself wanting to throw the book in irritation several times. Can‘t stand characters like her.

Eggs Great choice 🖤💙🖤 3y
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Read this the other day and really enjoyed it

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Not the best audiobook, not the worst but I definitely see how this series would appear more to a teen/young adult audience.

Ever is a regular teenage girl, except ever since losing her family in a tragic accident, she can see her dead sister and also get strong aura vibes for the people around her.

A new boy has peaked her interest but we quickly learn he is an immortal. Is he worth falling in love with?

So maybe she is not so regular...


Decided to listen to one of my favorite series to see if I love it more on Audiobook.

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? Evermore
? The Whole Nine Yards who remembers Jimmy "The Tulip" played by Bruce Willis
? Sia Tulip
Tulip is a girl from the bottom of the earth
She can make her mind up
Tulip is the one
Who takes pride in all she's done
She will show it all off
Tulip sets the pain...
#ManicMonday ? @JoScho

JoScho 💚🌷💚 5y
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This was a fun #BookLook! I tried to replicate the red and violet from the cover, and I like how it looked overall~

Makeup used:
BLACKHEART Midnight Magic palette "Blaze" and "Majestic"
Nyx Smokey Eye palette
Saraya Jade liquid lipstick "Lydia"

#ya #supernatural #romance

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My main thought reading this book was "Sure, why not?" It throws everything at the wall hoping something will stick, resulting in an absolute mess... But sometimes messes are fun. I recommend it if you're looking for quick, cheesy entertainment. It wasn't a good book, but it definitely wasn't boring!
#books #fantasy #ya #romance

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I'm #currentlyreading a hot mess of psychic powers, ghosts, vampires, and teen drama, but it's good, cheesy fun!
#ya #fantasy #literaryjunkfood

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Day 14 & 15 of #LiteraryLove and it's #BeMyValentine & #Flowers
I have not read Bloody Valentine yet but it is in my TBR pile and I had a whole Bloody Valentine February theme going on so it fit in.
I have read Evermore and it was okay. The main character's name is Ever Bloom and the main guy gives girls different flowers so it fits the flower tag. 😀
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗🌹💗🌹 6y
vkois88 Neat. I like the covers! 6y
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I needed something easy and fun to read, this book was it. I will admit that every event, situation seemed to fit together too well, but that could be just from me reading more domestic fiction and non-fiction recently. If you are looking for a quick, "on-the-verge" YA romance, you should pick this book up. #octoberreads #ya #romance #pickitup #fall

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I tried my very best to like this book enough to continue the series. I wasn't feeling it, the lack of communication between characters, was a hindrance.

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Getting ready to send these postcards out in the beginning of November when I get a chance too send them #litsypostcardexchange

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Immortal characters would fit with #FountainOfYouth, right? #SpringIsHere

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Ever puede oír los pensamientos de todos los que están a su alrededor, ver su aura y descubrir su pasado. Abrumada por este don, vive encerrada en sí misma y solo tiene dos amigos. Todo cambia cuando Damen se incorpora a su clase; atractivo y enigmático, despierta rápidamente el interés de las chicas del instituto. Ever intenta mantenerse al margen, pero muy pronto descubre que Damen no tiene aura y que altera todos sus poderes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Desde que un accidente acabó con las vidas de sus padres y su hermana, Ever puede oír los pensamientos de todos, ver su aura y descubrir su pasado al tocarles la piel. Ever empieza en una nueva escuela, donde se gana la fama de chica rara. Pero todo cambia cuando Damen se incorpora a su clase. Cuando él la mira por primera vez a los ojos, le trasmite una sensación especial. Con el paso de los días, Ever no puede evitar enamorarse de él ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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It took me a loooong time to take this book off my shelf and crack it but I'm so happy I did! I can't quite out my finger on what exactly it was, but I did NOT want to put it down! I laughed, cried, got angry and made the sappy smiley face throughout the whole book. That's how I know it's a winner for me! Time to continue on in the series 😊

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Franzy.liest.und.lebt Die will ich auch noch lesen 😊 7y
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When your Kobo gives you the sad face it's time to pick up a series you have been meaning to read for a long time. About 50 pages in and enjoying it so far! I wonder why it took me so long to finally take this book off my shelf?

Mycrazybookobsession I read this book series. It really good! I enjoyed it very much! 7y
FantasyChick @Mycrazybookobsession good to know!!! I bought the series forever ago and never got around to opening a single book lol So far I'm really into it!!! 7y
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Just finished this beauty 📖 der Zweite Teil hat mir besser gefallen als der erste, vielleicht weil ich wusste worauf ich mich einlasse. Der Schreibstil ist nicht ganz so meins, es scheint manchmal als würde die Autorin nicht wirklich wissen wie sich Jugendliche artikulieren und würde sich zu sehr von High School Filmen beeinflussen lassen. Nichts desto trotz hat mich die Geschichte gepackt und Ever wurde mir symphatischer.

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This book is not as unique as you might believe, though I really did enjoy the read. I can not help but think that this book is a mixture between Twilight and the Vampire Diaries. There are no vampires in this book. In fact, vampires are nonexistent in this world. Instead there are these beings who are called immortals and have psychic capabilities. But as I said earlier, this book reminds me of something between Twilight and Vampire Diaries.

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Ok, one more photo challenge....one of my favorite authors is Alyson Noel who is just delightful. I met her at an Austin Teen Book fest and she wrote the kindest thing in my book. She was wonderful to hear speak as well. #17BookLove #AuthorILove

howjessicareads I love it when authors are great in person too!! 8y
Joybishoptx @jess.how I've met so many wonderful ones but she's one of my favorites 💕💕 8y
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Ever puede oír los pensamientos de todos los que están a su alrededor, ver su aura y descubrir su pasado con solo tocarles la piel. Abrumada por la fuerza de este extraño don, vive encerrada en sí misma y solo tiene dos amigos, los excéntricos Haven y Miles. Todo cambia cuando Damen se incorpora a su clase y Ever descubre con una mezcla de temor y fascinación que Damen no tiene aura y que altera de forma misteriosa todos sus poderes…



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Just Because something ends dosent mean that it's a bad thing or that someones bound to get hurt,or that it never shold have happend in the first place or whatever. But If each step brings us to the next how can we grow if we avoid everything that can hurt us?? We pretty much have no choice but to get out there and hope for the best and who knows we may even learn a thing or two on the way.

MarieA So true 8y
Mahatma_Canejeeves I needed to hear something like this. Beautiful photo. 8y
Tanzy13 Thank you 💟 8y
CynCruz23 Excellent quote 8y
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Only love heals. Anger, guilt, and fear can only destroy and separate you from your true capabilities.

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Today's worries are yesterday's fears and tomorrow's stories.

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Forgiveness is healing. Especially forgiving yourself.

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Can't wait to start this series!! Hope it's good 👌🏽

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I used to love this book in middle school.Now, after rereading it it clearly lacks, well, everything. Damen and Ever's relationship just seems to appear without much substance. The only character I truly love is Miles. Through it all I love the concept of the book. Full review on goodreads: b00kn00k

heyitstay This is exactly how I felt about it too. When I first started this series, I was a fairly new reader and it was all so cool. But the more I read (this and other books) the more I realized how...bleh it was 8y
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