#OutstandingOctober Readathon @Andrew65
Finished 8 books, halfway through the 9th. About 2900 pages. so far, top 2 are Misconception and A Queen for all Seasons. I‘m loving the Constantines.
What are you reading?
#OutstandingOctober Readathon @Andrew65
Finished 8 books, halfway through the 9th. About 2900 pages. so far, top 2 are Misconception and A Queen for all Seasons. I‘m loving the Constantines.
What are you reading?
Already saw the movie in Netflix last July but will still finish listening to the audiobook 🎧
This book is a cute read (and a tearjerker). It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me want to slap the main character sometimes, but I enjoyed it. I fell in love with Jennifer E. Smith‘s writing style, and I instantly wanted to read more of her books. If you‘re looking for a an emotional love story that really makes you feel every single emotion that the main characters are feeling, this is a great one.
This was a sweet, quick read but I found it a little unsatisfying. Smith tries to manufacture the bittersweet drama of Clare and Aidan‘s last night together before they part ways to colleges on either coast. Instead of being involved in their story and the feelings it should have produced, I felt distracted by how hard Smith seemed to be trying to generate those feelings. My May #bookspin
You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".
I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello”?
#hellogoodbye #BeatleMaynia @Eggs
This is my first book of 2019! Clare and Aidan have been dating for two years, but they are both getting ready to go to college on different coast and they have to decided if they want to stay together or break up. They only have 12 hours before they leave and they spend those last few hours visiting different places from their relationship. What will they decided to do! It feels good to read the 1st book of the new year. Only 199 more to go! 😃
BBQ meatballs. We always have them New Year Eve! #readinthenewyear #newyeareats
I just finished my 8th book in the #24b42019 readathon. Which also put me over 24 hours! So I am starting this book now. Don't know if I will finish it tonight or if it will be my first book of 2019 #readinthenewyear #currentlyreading
Leaving Townsville today heading home #roadtrip #romanticya to read in the car. #currentlyreading #owncopy
1. 40 (idk how- just yesterday I was 22) 😉 2. Only child here 3. Two cats and a husband count? 4. X vs. Y 5. Am I the only one who hates this question? Too hard! 6. 😂 7. Redundant 8. I‘m not nearly as quiet as I first appear to be. 9. Animal lover! But don‘t tell my cats! 10. I like it all, but I‘d probably choose coffee out of the 3. 11. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 12. Not sure who has done this yet @GripLitGrl have you? #hallowhoareyou
Dit is een boek wat je niet moet gaan lezen als je met een gebroken hart zit, of als je voor een half jaar naar het buitenland gaat om te studeren. Dit prachtig geschreven boek geeft je het gevoel van een gebroken hart. Tip: lees hierna een feelgood om weer uit de put te kunnen kruipen.
Although contemporary YA romance is not my genre of choice, some of my students really enjoy Jennifer Smith's books. This one seems like the perfect choice for today.
#Hello #LyricalApril #YA #MsDsLibrary
Poorly written and seemed rushed. Felt as if I were reading a book off of Wattpad, rather than a professionally published book. Didn't choose this book, rather was given to me, and definitely can see why I didn't. DO NOT RECOMMEND
"Sometimes the hardest things are the ones most worth doing." ?
So boring. This story had no point and the constant info-dumps were very annoying. I don't know why this is on the Sequoyah list; there are dozens of better YA romances around.
Jennifer E. Smith is a total genius. She has crafted an intricate book (yet again) about love that conquers all. From the beggining I had a feeling that Aidan and Clare would do this in the most adultly fashion. But you couldn't stop hoping that Jennifer might be playing you. In the end, the book was satisfying because it reflects on today's generation and how we should deal with love...
How come I struggle to finish a 200-ish book while I devour a 400 pager in hours?
This book mostly annoyed me. I read it in a few hours and couldn't wait for the end. I think I would be happier to read what happens next. I still love Jennifer Smiths other books and will read what she writes next.
"Maybe the world isn't full of signs so much as it's full of people trying to use whatever evidence they can find to convince themselves of what they hope to be true."
Jennifer E. Smith writes captivating YA books. This is no exception. It's a sweet, quick read about change, love and growing up.
Just started this tonight. It's already very cute.
Some unseen part of her, which had only ever been lukewarm, was suddenly blazing.