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Fanny Burney
Fanny Burney: Her Life | Kate Chisholm
4 posts | 2 read
Fanny Burney (1752-1840) is best known as the author of EVELINA, one of the most engaging novels of the eighteenth century. But for much of her long life, she was also an incomparable diarist, witnessing both the madness of George III and the young Queen Victoria's coronation. To read the journals she kept from the age of sixteen is to step back into Georgian England, meeting Dr Johnson, Garrick and Reynolds, being chased round the gardens of Kew Palace by the King. . . She was lady-in-writing to Queen Charlotte; she married an aristocratic emigre from the French Revolution and had her first and only child when she was forty-two; she was in Paris as Napoleon's armies marshalled against England, and in Brussels she heard the muffled guns, and watched the wounded being carried back from Waterloo. Kate Chisholm's delightful biography, incorporating the latest research and illustrate with unusual portraits and drawings, is lively, funny, shocking, informative and deeply moving; it paints a vivid portrait of a woman of great talent, against the changing background of England and France, a culture and an age.
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Fanny Burney: Her Life | Kate Chisholm
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One Bingo completed! Think I should get double points because it's a #femaleauthor writing about a female author 😂😂😂! 3 🌟

#TIL that St James's was used only for state occasions by George III; when in town, the Royal Family resided in the Queen's House at the end of the Mall, which had been bought by George III in 1762 and was later transformed into Buckingham Palace by his son.

#NFNov @rsteve388 @Clwojick

Review continued below

jenniferw88 77 +1 participation +3 #til +5 book completed = 86pts in total 5y
jenniferw88 The book is OK and a good intro to her life and work, although if you want analysis of the novels it's probably not one of the better choices. In fact it would probably be best to choose a book where she's compared to other writers at the time for this. 5y
jenniferw88 Also, the text is quite small so if you struggle to read the print, audio/ebook/large print might be the way to go. 5y
Clwojick 9 pt 5y
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Fanny Burney: Her Life | Kate Chisholm
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1. Of course I have pictures of my favourite Chasers saved on my phone! 😂😂😂

2. Quote from p26 of tagged book

3. 7 °C, cloudy and cold!

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Great post!! 5y
Cathythoughts Jenny ! I must get your book back to you ..... coming soon ❤️👍🏻sorry for delay X 5y
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Fanny Burney: Her Life | Kate Chisholm
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And if I can get some of these read over #24b4Monday that will be great! @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

julesG I still have to read Black and British. I liked Olusoga's TV documentary. He also had an appearance in an episode about black people in the Victorian era of 5y
Andrew65 Some great choices, good luck with the Readathon. 😊👍 5y
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Fanny Burney: Her Life | Kate Chisholm
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#readingwomenmonth a book pairing. I love finding out about a writers life especially when their time was so different from our own. Fanny burney was a contemporary of Jane Austen and is said to have been an influence on her writing. Yet again they are #tbr and managed to get in a Vmc
@Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Leftcoastzen

ephemeralwaltz Cool! I haven't heard of her :/ 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz well that is the traditional cannon for you 😉 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I haven‘t heard of her either!! 6y
Weaponxgirl @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I think she's an author that's easy to miss if your not reading lots of books about feminist and women's history 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Weaponxgirl thank you for pointing her out!! 6y
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