Monday morning brainstorming...
Monday morning brainstorming...
Wow!! Thank you @slightlyfoxed ! What a fantastic parcel. The best I've ever received. 💕💕💕
My guy found this great graphic that he shared with me and I want to share with you. It helps explain some of the types of "punk" in sci if. It's not my graphic and it came from Facebook. I have always loved steampunk but recently became aware of session punk. I'll try to post some real titles in my small collection when I can get into my library.
There is a bit of argument with ray punk in this graphic. Some say it should say futuristic. ??
I went to the Steampunk Fair this afternoon with my friend and we had so much fun. We attended a reading by two of Germany's most famous steampunk authors, rode a Victorian carrousel and an Edwardian ferris wheel. And I got the most gorgeous pocket watch (picture surely to follow soon). 😊❤
#steampunk #bookhaul
Today's (Amazon) book haul. I live very far from any bookstore, so most of my books come from online.
Watching Steampunk'd on Netflix. What should I read with it?