Midnight sun finished. Jo Nesbo is so good. What a thriller. Loved the characters of Jon, Knut and Lea.
Midnight sun finished. Jo Nesbo is so good. What a thriller. Loved the characters of Jon, Knut and Lea.
Current read! Relaxing in my favorite chair while the kids make all the noise with their new toys. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas 🎄🎄
Jo Nesbo‘s crime novella (translated from Norwegian by Neil Smith) is a tightly written affair that has some overlap with earlier novella BLOOD ON SNOW. However, Jon is a surprisingly passive character so the action comes from his failure to act, which makes for a bit of a frustrating read and Lea is little more than a standard damsel in distress. That said, there are some interesting plot twists and it held my attention to the end.
Ever since I visited Norway, about five years ago, i've been enamored with the place. The desolate, espansive landscape, the enternal darkness / endless sun, and the reserved and hardy culture.
While Midnight Sun lacks rereadability, it's still a damn entertaining book for any who wants a crime novel that takes place in a unique location and doesn't rely on melodrama to get us invested in the story.
This a compact little thriller, which i felt was too short for any real depth. Although it was a mostly solid read - Nesbo is a good writer - I found parts of it quite predictable and the whole 'formidable-yet-flawed male hero wants to save repressed female' angle just felt way past its sell by date for me personally. 2.5 / 5.
Jo Nesbo and a flat white courtesy of an extended lunchbreak ☕ really hoping the week continues like this 👍 hope your week starts off well too!
Ulf is on the run from a drug kingpin‘s henchmen and winds up in a remote north Norwegian village. There, despite his best efforts to stay lost and alone, he becomes entangled with the people of Kasund, a village of Sami people, some of whom practice an unusual form of Christianity. Interesting enough plot, although character development was a bit thin. https://cannonballread.com/2019/08/midnight-sun-elcicco/
One sent one to go! #happilyeverafterswap ☺️ delivery on Monday the 11th is cutting it close but it‘s out. I‘m a bit behind but I‘m trying mi best
This was surprisingly literary. I'm a fan of Jo Nesbo and used to his crime genre writing. While this is still kind of a crime novel, it's more than and also quieter than that. Quite impressive.
An interesting change from the Harry Hole detective novels. I ended up liking Ulf more than I expected to. I liked learning a bit more about the Sami and northern Norway culture. This is one of the quotes that stuck with me as I was reading. Learning, losing, trying again, and daring to lose again.
Just finished this one and like almost all Jo Nesbo books that I‘ve read it‘s a #pick for me. Quick read with a likable but flawed main character. #pickpanbailsosogiveaway
I‘ve reviewed Midnight Sun on my blog and Instagram.
Quirky short novel. Well written with great characters. Worth a read if you like Nordic noir
Reading Jo Nesbo in front of an open fire on a cold night. Perfect!
One even might say a "midnight sun," hmmm?
Finished this up the other day. I love all things Nesbo so it should be no surprise that this is a 'pick'. Jon is a
likeable character despite him being a fixer for Oslo drug lord, The Fisherman. I enjoyed his relationship with Knut, a 10-year old boy he meets while on the run from The Fisherman's men. Knut's a funny kid and brings some lightness into Jon's life and the book. Still, this is Nesbo, so there are plenty dark moments.
Went to Powell's this weekend and discovered a signed first ed of Midnight Sun. Yes!! It looks so good next to my signed first ed of Blood on Snow.
My Jo Nesbø collection ❤
Just ok, but that won't stop me from reading the next Nesbo.... I still miss the more fully realized world of Harry Hole. Spare prose matched the spare setting, but there wasn't quite enough plot, action, or momentum in this one.
June reading stats.
This was a love story very loosely disguised in a crime. 😏
Beautiful, haunting setting--far above the Arctic Circle where the sun never sets. Ulf, on the run from a notorious Oslo drug lord, hopes it will be a good place to hide. This is so much more than just a thriller, as it ruminates on questions of love, family, and redemption.
This book is AMAZING!! Halfway through. Almost as good as Blood on Snow.
I love you Nesbo, but please, give a twist to this story because is taking me ages to go trought MIDNIGHT SUN 😔
Excited to start this. Blood On Snow is one of my all time favorites.
Lo stile di Nesbo è proprio unico. Frasi brevi e descrizioni scarne. Giusto l'essenziale.
Perfetto! #JoNesbo
" Okay" I said, " Bring midge oil. And beer."
"Beer? Then you'll -"
"Burn in hell?"
New Mysteries! Which new books do you want to read?
"...some things are more important than winning," I said "Like showing dignity in both victory and defeat."...
"But what does being good at losing actually mean?" ... "Daring to lose again,"
Jo Nesbo can do no wrong...whether it's Harry or Olaf the story sucks you in!