I was able to visit a church in our Radiant network in Kentucky. One of my Pastors from Michigan was sharing from my favorite book, the Bible.
I was able to visit a church in our Radiant network in Kentucky. One of my Pastors from Michigan was sharing from my favorite book, the Bible.
This morning I began reading Matthew. Matthew begins with Jesus‘ lineage showing that he is Abraham and David‘s descendant. Wow! Can‘t wait to read more about my God through this gospel! #bookofmatthew #gospel #JesusChrist #savior #God #highking #david #abraham #first5 #listysawitfirst
@curiouserandcurioser Wow, I am blown away by your talent and kindness. Thanks for including the verse. 💜💚💙
#summerfun #slimetoshine
Ok so I made “slime“ for a video when distance teaching on Peter walking on water. I don't have a desire to make the mess this week.
@staycurious @4thhouseontheleft
“Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” (Habakkuk 1:5)
Catching up on my reading from Thursday through today! So thankful for this time that I can sit down and read the Bible, finish a novel, and continue beginning one.
#singledatingengagedmarried #dontwasteyourlife #habakkuk
Thank you @JaneyWaneyB for the tag.... although I'm awful at these.
Beauty ~ being able to address a sensitive situation with my Lt & being thrilled with the outcome (I work at a sheriff's department.)
Music ~ current pick me up song is Revival by Rend Collective
Food ~ my oldest son brought home Arby's today after scouting turkey hunting spots w/ my husband (I try very hard to stay away from bread but I ate the whole thing.)
@iread2much @Wife
And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. ❤️
Joel 2:32
Today‘s beginning to Hosea is such a great example of having faith and trusting in the Lord. When God told Hosea to marry someone he did.
When God told Hosea what to name their children he did.
Trusting in God can look messy, random, and uncomfortable BUT GOD has the full story already and will use that uncomfortable season for his glory!
I must admit that I sometimes scan quickly they genealogies in the Bible. This study of Ezra and Nehemiah has been a solid reminder of why they are included.
I‘ve started to read a passage or two from the Bible before I go to bed. So far I‘m enjoying it, and it‘s been a good habit to get into.
Ever have tons of homework but all you want to do is curl up with a novel and float away? Ya. Me neither...😒🤨 #homework #sendfiction
Some days you just have to step away from the computer and refocus. Mondays are hard, folks 😂
A favorite verse of mine ? John Piper talks about this verse in a reading plan called "15 Days in the Word with John Piper" on the YouVersion bible app. Loving this plan so far ??? #esv #bibleverse #readingplan #johnpiper
Sitting at our local Peet's, sipping tea and reading my Bible. One of my favorite verses ever is “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
John 21:25
As the reader I am, I love imagining the library in heaven...♥️ #Sunday #reading
Yes, I'm using a soup bowl for my coffee mug because...Monday. And I want to. 😌 #morning #monday #coffee #snuggles #Ramses #lovemydog #dogmom #writinglife
So I don't have any #multiplecopies of anything and was gonna skip today's prompt but then I remembered that my hubby does. He's a religous studies major and will be going on to seminary soon to be a pastor, so he keeps several translations of the Bible. This isn't even all of them. #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading
This one is a good read, takes some time and meditation, but has some great stories and lessons. Never gets old, I think