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She Caused a Riot
She Caused a Riot: 100 Unknown Women Who Built Cities, Sparked Revolutions, and Massively Crushed It | Hannah Jewell
16 posts | 6 read | 22 to read
Women's stories are often written as if they spent their entire time on Earth casting woeful but beautiful glances towards the horizon and sighing into the bitter wind at the thought of any conflict. Well, that's not how it f**king happened. When you hear about a woman who was 100% pure and good, you're probably missing the best chapters in her life's story. Maybe she slept around. Maybe she stole. Maybe she crashed planes. Maybe she got shot, or maybe she shot a bad guy (who probably had it coming.) Maybe she caused a scandal. Maybe she caused a riot... From badass writer Hannah Jewell, She Caused a Riot is an empowering, no-holds-barred look into the epic adventures and dangerous exploits of 100 inspiring women who were too brave, too brilliant, too unconventional, too political, too poor, not ladylike enough and not white enough to be recognized by their shitty contemporaries. From 3rd-century Syrian queen Zenobia to 20th-century Nigerian women's rights activist Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, these are women who gave absolutely zero f**ks, and will inspire a courageous new movement of women to do the same.
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Read 9/50
Prompt: a former DNF

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I've been dipping in and out of this book for over a year, but I committed to myself that I would finish it during #24in48 and now I have done ☺️

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She caused a riot but now she is tired and wants to sunbathe
#catsoflitsy #readingcat

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Does anyone else use the BookRiot reading log spreadsheet? I didn't use all of it but the year-end charts and graphs were a lot easier than the clunky way I'd get info in Goodreads. I examine the data at length here: http://readingenvy.blogspot.com/2020/01/2019-reading-by-numbers.html

wanderinglynn And the GR data isn‘t entirely accurate. I looked at my 2019 in review, it showed my longest novel had over 600 pages, which was completely wrong. That particular novel might clock in at 300 pages, but not 600+. I‘ll have to check out your post. 👍🏻 5y
judith_reads I didn't do it in 2019, but want to start for 2020 as I find GR to be really unreliable with their stats. They are also not tracking enough metrics. 5y
CocoReads I didn‘t even know about this. I may have to check it out! 5y
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ReadingEnvy @kadeeth I'd try getting around the Goodreads limitations by creating tons of shelves and then combing "read2019" with each shelf at the end of he year to generate numbers.. this is easier!! 5y
ReadingEnvy @CocoReads just Google book riot reading log! 5y
Suet624 I really enjoyed reading your blog post about this. 5y
CocoReads @ReadingEnvy, I have it now. I don‘t know if I‘ll remember to fill things in most of the time but it looks like fun so I‘ll give it a whirl! 5y
ReadingEnvy @Suet624 thank you! 5y
ReadingEnvy @CocoReads I often do a bunch at a time. 5y
judith_reads @ReadingEnvy I did export my data on CSV and was thinking to throw it into Tableau to see what I can do there. I really want to visualise my reading year more! 5y
DGRachel I love it. I‘m trying to tweak the 2020 to suit me better, but I may just update the formulas in the 2019 one so it stays consistent. I don‘t care about most of the options added for 2020. 5y
ReadingEnvy @DGRachel I downloaded it but haven't really looked at it carefully. I saw in their post that they added narrator space which I liked, I thought I'd use it for translator too. 5y
ReadingEnvy @kadeeth ah cool! 5y
DGRachel I do like the narrator/translator field, but there‘s a bunch of fields now for tracking when you bought something, where, and how much you paid for it. I haven‘t really decided what I‘m going to do, yet. I‘m tempted to build something in Excel. I know how to create pie charts in Excel, so I could do it. 🤔 5y
ReadingEnvy Can you just download this one to Excel and just delete the stuff you don't want? 5y
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She Caused A Riot:100 Unknown Women Who Built Cities, Sparked Revolutions & Massively Crushed It
by Hannah Jewell
4.0 / 5.0

This is a well-researched collection that features some bad-ass women I have never heard of, or forgotten about. I wish it featured less commentary and more history, and maybe more pictures. I'm so glad I found this. The women are amazing, and lived inspiring lives, esp for the time they lived.

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My Christmas book haul 😍 even I‘m starting to think my TBR is getting out of control now with over 400 books owned but not yet read... #incoming #tbr #christmasbookhaul

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Finally picked this book up. Not gonna lie......i am super kind of really upset that this book's index directs you to every instance the author talks about "boobs" or uses the phrase "boo" but doesn't include major key words like "bisexual", "lesbian", or "queer". Because god forbid, I guess. It has "trans people" listed with the pages 207-217 where it features four (4) women, two of which I'm hesitant to classify as trans. ??? #bitterqueer

queerbookreader Ik this is dumb to be mad over and I'm being stupid and bitter I know but also what kind of person--who authors a diverse women's history book--would think looking up the keyword "boobs" is more important than the keywords "lesbian" or "bisexual" or "queer"? Lmao 6y
Caterina That is super frustrating and stupid, your anger is def justified. Preach 🙌 Like, it seems like they made the index humorous at the expense of inclusivity, and like maybe there wasn't enough representation in the book in general? 6y
Caterina Will be staying tuned for your final evaluation of the book! 6y
queerbookreader @Caterina I just tweeted @ the author and asked about this. Kind of freaking out I never ever ever call out someone directly about queer stuff lmao but also she has made it all but nearly impossible to find queer entries by leaving out 90% of queer terminology from the index and how is that helpful for a history book meant to be diverse 6y
Tonton Yikes, saw the photo of the index and first thought was it must be some kind of comedy book. Then I read the description and problems, that sucks. 6y
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“Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to make a man shut up.”

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This is my #bookmail from Amazon which I bought to make myself feel better from this terrible week. PARCC testing is the WORST for lots of reasons😩😫😡 so while I was proctoring I just happened to put these books in the cart. . . 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thanks @WanderingBookaneer for posting about some of these. . . I couldn‘t resist!! 😊

#teachersoflitsy #springbreakisfinallyhere #blameitonlitsy

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Spotted at the airport today and it took a lot of effort not to buy it. Once we are settled in FL, it will be mine!

ElishaLovesBooks Looks awesome! Stacked! 6y
Abailliekaras Sold! 6y
mrozzz 😍🙌🏻 6y
LadyChristy Ooooh...stacked! 😍 6y
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