Just not my sense of humor. All centered with a movies/TV/Hollywood theme which I couldn't care less about.
Just not my sense of humor. All centered with a movies/TV/Hollywood theme which I couldn't care less about.
Another hysterical collection of short stories from one of my favorite writers! Brilliant!
Pretty funny stuff. Definitely will be reading more from this author. Just a fun book to read!
"He owed two months of rent to his roommates, and he'd eaten so much instant ramen, he'd contracted sodium poisoning."
Simon Rich had me cackling out loud right away. These stories are so irreverent and fun with characters ranging from a genius in utero infant to Paul Revere‘s horse to Adolf Hitler. Some are better than others, as the title implies, but all are entertaining. Great experience for my very first ARC!
PUB DATE: 7.24.18
#ARC #NetGalley
A little rooftop poolside reading after a 2-hour morning kayak on Lady Bird Lake. It‘s hotter than 10 hell‘s out here. 🔥 Some legs in the background for ya. 😄 We‘re packed in tight up here.
Enjoying this #SimonRich #galley of humerous #shortstories. My very first #ARC! 🤗
#ATX #kidfreeweekend #readeverywhere #netgalley #booksandbooze #paperwhite
Super excited! I joined #NetGalley a few days ago and just got approved for my first galley. 🤗 Simon Rich is so funny. Planning to start this soon.
Pub date: July 24
#arc #galley #blamelitsy #shortstories #humor