Love this idea - invite a group of friends over for a potluck - each person brings a dish cooked from their favourite cooks book, a copy of the book and copies of the recipe. You go home with a full belly, a new@book and lots of recipes to try. 🥳
Love this idea - invite a group of friends over for a potluck - each person brings a dish cooked from their favourite cooks book, a copy of the book and copies of the recipe. You go home with a full belly, a new@book and lots of recipes to try. 🥳
Seasonally divided into 2-month blocks, this hefty (474 p) #vegetarian #cookbook has exciting recipes & stylish photos + lots of extra pages on topics like cooking as a meditation practice, foraging, & vegetable-centred barbecues. Jones likes to talk about texture & the way flavours complement each other. Signature ingredients: coriander seeds (for both savoury & sweet); cardamom; & all things roasted, including avocados, blackberries & lemons.
I was child minding yesterday. Thirteen-year-old was very pleased with the Super Chocolate Tiffin Bites from the tagged cookbook. He got to choose what went into his half and he decided on crushed Girl Guide cookies. (Mine had roasted almonds, dried cherries, perilla seeds and flaky sea salt.)
I showed this photo (of Apple, rye and walnut bundt) to my sweetie. She screamed and turned her head away. “Don‘t make me look!” It was an even more dramatic reaction than I had hoped for. (She chastises me whenever I leave things too close to the edge of a table or counter.)
Jones writes about avoiding squash for a few years because it had become boring. Her love has obviously returned because there are over a dozen squash recipes in this cookbook. What she likes about the pictured recipe (for whole roast squash) is “its very British flavours—not a pomegranate in sight.” I find it amusing that this recipe includes a stuffing made of freekeh… not so British after all.
As the son of a food writer, I imagined Dylan would be sipping spirulina smoothies by now, but that‘s not the case. In fact his palate is quite delicate, he‘s a pasta lover.
“Tiffin” has only had one meaning for me until this month: a light Indian lunch. In The Flatshare, I knew they were talking about a different kind of tiffin because there was chocolate involved. In the tagged cookbook, I found a recipe for that chocolatey kind of tiffin. 😊
“I like to wash my linen tablecloth and hang it on the washing line so it has a crumpled texture and isn‘t too neat. Brown paper is a good substitute if linen feels too much.”
Hmm. I will no longer fret about not having the time to iron table linens. Jones also advocates simply cutting placemats from cloth and embracing the beauty of a frayed, unfinished edge. I tried to capture the aesthetic in my photo. What do you think?
Saturday morning baking. Savory scones! (Review on my blog next week) thanks to Abrams Books
Starting out spring with an awesome batch of cookbooks. I‘ll be talking about all of these on my blog over the next few weeks. #WeekendCooking and thanks to the #AbramsDinnerParty & Abrams Books
Well done to our Anna ( she‘s lives and works in our neighbourhood) - Observer Cookbook of the Year 2018! She‘s a fab cook, gives you a great balance between structured recipes and flexible combinations to make this one of my go to weekday books. She makes all things veg - super tasty and beautiful.
Starting the day switching my thinking from winter to summer meal planning! ☀️