I have framed Edward Gorey jigsaw puzzles all over my office. Not to mention all the books, magnets and current calendar!
I have framed Edward Gorey jigsaw puzzles all over my office. Not to mention all the books, magnets and current calendar!
It‘s time for another puzzle!
(I‘ll just get it set up and then the husband will take over 😆).
I wasn't aware there is an Edward Gorey documentary coming out. Super excited to hear that. This link is some of Gorey's narratives as he told them to the documentary film maker https://boingboing.net/2019/07/29/goreytelling.html?fbclid=IwAR1YJOfBY3d4uEXjNhn...
This link is more information on the documentary itself https://edwardgoreyfilm.com/edward-gorey
My best friends Mom sent me such a thoughtful gift!! Presents for no reason are the best!!
The link goes to lots of interesting cover art done by Edward Gorey when he worked as an illustrator. He did a lot of covers for big name authors during his career.
Finally had some time to destress with colouring. Edward Gorey books are strange but delightful short reads. My favourite is The Doubtful Guest.