Nothing screams self care more than a bit of shelf organisation! Decided to give my sci/fi and fantasy corner some love!
Nothing screams self care more than a bit of shelf organisation! Decided to give my sci/fi and fantasy corner some love!
Lots to love here. The world building is incredibly lush, with customs, costumes, landscapes & architecture really vividly portrayed. The themes of language, faith & loyalty are interestingly played out, posing characters with moral and ethical dilemmas.A few scenes forced me out of the world - the presence of too much beauty & some dodgy decision making in the time of crisis. But a very solid extension of the series and a great set up for book 3.
I seem to have very coordinated bed linen today! 🤣
With my phone announcing my screen time was up 35% last week - I think it‘s time to leave the real world behind and delve back into fantasy 😍
Just finished rereading this via audiobook so I can start book 3 with the details fresh in my mind. I love this series and I love this author, as anyone who‘s followed me for any length of time knows, so I highly recommend it. However, I‘d skip the audio if you haven‘t read it in print at least once. The narrator pronounces some common words oddly. It pulled me out of the story and vexed me greatly.
April 1st 2019, 19:05GMT... the moment I found out my awesome pen pal is frigging famous! 🥳❤️🥳❤️🥳❤️
#novemberwrapup November started off great with 5 star books and comics, but took a turn mid-way through. I got stuck in books and audio that I hated and struggled through and ended with a bit of a slump. Tagged book and Bad Feminist were my favorites this month. Finished 14 books/comics, started 4 others for a total of 1940 pages of print and 33 hours of audio.
This was a great follow up to The Bloodprint. Much darker, lots of twists, and interesting new characters. I can‘t wait for the next book in the series. Longer review on my blog: https://wp.me/pKWKW-56
I may be dying. This must be a dream. Y‘all, that‘s MY name in the acknowledgments! Highlight of my year right there, people!
Happy (U.S.) Book Birthday to Ausma Zehanat Khan‘s The Black Khan! To say I am excited is an understatement, but I‘m forcing myself to finish at least one current read before diving into this beauty. So, tomorrow, my sweet, we will meet again! Today, I will be strong and resist the siren song of my Kindle.😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍