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Break the Bodies, Haunt the Bones
Break the Bodies, Haunt the Bones | Micah Dean Hicks
13 posts | 7 read | 26 to read
Almost everyone in Swine Hill is haunted, but when pig people appear in town, taking precious jobs at the pork processing plant and enraging the spirits, Jane will have to find a way to save her haunted family and escape the town before it kills her.
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This book was probably much deeper than I got the first time but you have to get past all the weird. In a town where most people are haunted by ghosts, a family struggles to deal with their extremely complicated lives. Ghosts, aliens, pigs, hauntings and morally ambiguous characters... fasten your seat belt & I'll see you on the other side! 👻

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#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Loved this one! I'm not quite sure how to review it without giving too much away. The story takes place in a town haunted by ghosts. Some of these ghosts are helpful, but many are not. On top of a haunted town there are also human/pig people, aliens, and robots. It sounds crazy, but it comes together so well. At the center of the story is a girl fighting to keep her family together.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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So I‘m low key excited to read this his book because I‘m actually taking a college course under the professor that wrote this book. I want to see his writing style and see if I like his books. Heehee so that‘s a bit of a rush.

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I have to say, this is up in my #TopFiveStrangestBooksIveEverRead It‘s hard to describe, I suppose it‘s about haunted people in the end, haunted not just by ghosts but by the things they‘ve done or are afraid of. There‘s a bit of everything in here, ghosts, murder, robots & even pig people. Jane has a ghost that tells her secrets, Henry has one that builds strange & deadly things & their mother has one that burns whoever she touches. Worth a read.

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It‘s after midnight Sunday here in Sydney. I‘ve managed almost 27hrs of reading & read 1,003pges in 2.3 books. Think I did alright considering I didn‘t join till Friday night. How is everyone else doing? How long do you have to go?


wanderinglynn Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Andrew65 Simply brilliant! 🍾🥂🎉🎊🍾🥂🏆 I‘m currently on 23 hrs 44 mins and still got 8 hrs 10 mins until midnight. (edited) 5y
Lizpixie @wanderinglynn thank you!🙌 @Andrew65 thank you!😊 You‘re doing pretty great yourself.🎉🎉🎉 5y
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Megabooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🥳🥳🍾 5y
BeansPage Oh yeah buddy! That's what I'm talkin about!!! 🎉🎉🎉 5y
JazzFeathers Wow!!! Congrats!!! 5y
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Up next is this horror about a town that‘s full of ghosts. Swine Hill is full of the dead.They lingered in places that mattered to them, so people avoided those streets, locked off rooms. Jane is haunted by a girl that feeds on the secrets & fears of other people,she whispers it all into her ear. Henry has a genius ghost that forces him to build strange & dangerous machines.Swine Hill has more dead than living💀

Andrew65 Sounds intriguing! 5y
jb72 Cool 😎 5y
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Thanks for the tag @BookFrog
🌻 Break the Bodies, Haunt the Bones (tagged)
🌻 Cujo
🌻 Old Bones by Preston and Child
🌻 100 book for Goodreads (I've read 58), #Booked2019, & #bookfitnesschallenge
🌻 I tag any who hasn't done this yet.
#thursdaysurvey @laurenslibrary

BiblioLitten Cujo wasn‘t good? It‘s on my TBR and I have high hopes😬 5y
BookwormAHN @BiblioLitten The story itself was good, but I didn't connect with any of the characters and the little kid Tad, got on my nerves. The insights into Cujo's head was both fascinating and sad. 5y
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#BookMail Pt12 And we have the first book from yesterday‘s #MailPileOfDoom I‘ve always been a huge fan of horror, both movies & books, since I was a little girl forced to watch Friday Night Creature Feature by my (lovely)older siblings. The new horror coming up in the last few years, like The Library At Mount Char, My Best Friends Exorcism, Meddling Kids & now this one have carved new paths for the strange, weird & macabre. And I love it!🖤🖤🖤🖤

BookwormAHN That book is really good 🖤 5y
ShyBookOwl This sounds unbelievably weird. Stacked! 5y
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I absolutely loved this book. It is about a small dying town that has ghosts everywhere. It also has haunted people, a science genius, pig people, alien possession and Jane a young woman just trying to keep her family afloat. This book is nuts and brilliant and really hard to put down. This book is a must for those who like urban fantasy 👻🙅🏿‍♀️

Captivatedbybooks Ashley can you please email me at jennyr0528@gmail.com its really important pleaseeee 5y
minkyb Your review has me intrigued! 5y
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This looks super interesting to me. I can't wait to read it.

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An editor at HMH was kind enough to give me this ARC and I was blown away by this dark urban fantasy. It is a deeply moving and disturbing narrative that offers so many levels on enjoyment that it is hard to describe. The craft is tight, characters flawed and human and the pacing spot on. This book will have me thinking for weeks. If you enjoy urban fantasy or care about the human spirit this work would be a great fit for you.

Leniverse Sounds like my kind of thing. 👍 6y
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Started this ARC on a beach here in Dubai. It is a haunting and dark urban fantasy full of social overtones with a literary feel. So far I am quite enjoying it.