Not only is Laura Redniss's story telling unique and innovating, her artwork is simply stunning.
Weather has never had this kind of treatment.
Not only is Laura Redniss's story telling unique and innovating, her artwork is simply stunning.
Weather has never had this kind of treatment.
If my textbooks had been illustrated like this, I would have read more of them 😂
#ThunderandLightening A wonderfully colourful graphic book about how the weather affects our lives ☀️⚡️❄️ #weather #meteorology #graphicnovel #elements
This is a really interesting book. The illustrations are amazing and full page. Text, font created by the author, is laid over the illustrations. There's interviews and stories to help describe weather. There's a lot of good information here. #libraryreads #readwomen
These drawings are amazing. #libraryreads #readwomen
Wednesday weather was not nice. My arm is in a sling & feeling foolish. In a flash, I fell behind (literally) on #hpchapteraday
Today was mostly a wash after dealing with some alcohol poisoning 😖 but I did manage to go out just now and exchange a present at a local indie for this beaut. I was going to read it through OverDrive, but after seeing it in person, how could I resist? This and an Amazon gift card are the extent of my #bookishgifts...I think my loved ones know that I'm better off just buying for myself 😊 #SeasonsReadings2016 #embossedcoversOMG
Lauren Redniss won a MacArthur Genius Grant earlier this year and her beautiful visual experiment in science, art, and history made it onto our picks for the year's best! THUNDER & LIGHTNING is a masterful product of research, curiosity, and passion. #laurenredniss #2016giftguide #thunderandlightning #books
Really cool, really peculiar book. Beautiful.
This is Max's 'WTF!?! I don't like thunder!!' face. Just had 30 minutes of the brightest lightening & thunder that sounded like explosions and even shook the house. I don't mind the occasional thunderstorm but this one was way too loud and close. It seems to have passed but now it's 12:30 AM & I'm wide awake... Guess I better read. 😬
"I hoped to [...] capture a certain feeling - a sensation of strangeness, wonder, terror - that we experience in the presence of nature, most powerfully perhaps when encountering the forces of the elements: a howling wind, a thunderstorm, the beating sun."
Educational eye candy
Gorgeous graphic nonfiction book about the science of weather and how it has shaped our cultures, history & lifestyles throughout the world, as well as how we've tried to control, use & predict it. BEAUTIFUL art & talented writer that seamlessly blends story, art & examples from every continent. ⛈ #ReadWomen