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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
12 posts | 8 read | 20 to read
The devastating new novel from the author of LITTLE EXILES. In the depths of winter in the land of Belarus, where ancient forests straddle modern country borders, an orphaned boy and his grandfather go to scatter his mother's ashes in the woodlands. Her last request to rest where she grew up will be fulfilled. Frightening though it is to leave the city, the boy knows he must keep his promise to mama: to stay by and protect his grandfather, whatever happens. Her last potent gifts - a little wooden horse, and hunks of her homemade gingerbread - give him vigour. And grandfather's magical stories help push the harsh world away. But the driving snow, which masks the tracks of forest life, also hides a frozen history of long-buried secrets. And as man and boy travel deeper among the trees, grandfather's tales begin to interweave with the shocking reality of his own past, until soon the boy's unbreakable promise to mama is tested in unimaginable ways. Praise for LIttLE EXILES: 'A heartbreaking story, very powerfully dramatised' tHE tIMES ' Deeply moving but never emotionally manipulative' SAtURDAY AGE
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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For he does not know was cut off #wintergames

5feet.of.fury We had a gingerbread house making contest at work, & someone wrote this on their house 😂 the Millennials (and younger) got it, everyone else was appalled 😂 7mo
BethM @5feet.of.fury that is spectacular! 7mo
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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4 different people gave me gingerbread for Christmas and 👌🏼 I‘m so happy! I‘ve just polished off the gingerbread men my (gingerbread hating) sister made. Delicious!

julesG 😋 Yummy! 3y
Cinfhen Cute ❤️ 3y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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Every year we do a gingerbread kit with the kids. My oldest was super excited to have her older cousin help her and my youngest just kept eating the candy. #WinterGames2021 #HolidayTradition #FestivePhotoChallenge “holiday crafts” @StayCurious

Smrloomis 😂 yeah we run out of candy decorations quickly in our house for this sort of thing (edited) 3y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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"This isn't the tale but an opening. The tale comes tomorrow, after the meal, when we are filled with soft bread."
A newly orphaned boy takes to the Belarusian ancient forest with his grandfather. He finds his feet on their extended wilderness adventure but then the old man's hidden traumatic past begins to emerge amidst his folktales and things get dark.
We make meaning through story, but story also has the power to warp and consume the teller.

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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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Got quite a bit done today, but not quite the half way mark. Plenty of time tomorrow to catch it up though 😎

BeansPage Wow! Doing great! 6y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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A weird, twisted blend of fairy tale and history. There were points where it missed the mark, but for the most part it was excellent. A brilliant blend of wonder and darkness. Close to a 5 star, but just a little lacklustre at times. Very enjoyable story based in the Belarus forests 😊🏞

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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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Finally finished this atmospheric tale set in the dark #woods the day I returned home. Slow pace leads to a suspenseful climax. #CoolBooks #overdrive #librarybooks
A tale of surviving one's dark past, surviving grief and making a life in the deep forest. When the forest consumes family, the wild boy has to decide - keep his promise or leave the world of aspen, birch and nettles?
#LitWorld2018GB Belarus #LitsyPassport
#Booked2018 set outdoors

Cinfhen Congrats on all the boxes completed ✅ 6y
BookishMe @Cinfhen ermmm, Actually this is my first prompt completed for this quarter. So much to catch up with! 🙄😌😓 6y
Cinfhen No, I meant this book filled a lot of prompts!!! No worries for #booked2018 😘I bet you read books that might work without even realizing 😉 6y
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BookishMe @Cinfhen oh thanks! I had no clue this fit more than one prompt. Actually this wasn't even my choice for the environment until I read further into the story. While it is efficient to read a book for multiple prompts, I prefer the slow way of one book for each prompt - my goal is to read as many as possible ;D 6y
Linsy Sounds intriguing! 🌲 6y
BookishMe @Linsy it certainly is! The forest has never been so menacing yet nurturing 6y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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The #trees showed me the way.


While I have other choices for Outdoors/ Environment prompt for #Booked2018 , this mystical tale set in woodlands fits as well!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks good!! 6y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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#setineasterneurope #uncannyoctober

Books set in -
L-R Top : Poland; Chechnya; Belarus;
L-R Bottom : Croatia; unnamed Eastern Europe village; Bulgaria; Sarajevo.

RealLifeReading Great picks!! 7y
Jen_Reads I may have to pick up Girl At War. It sounds good. 7y
LeeRHarry Great choices! 7y
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Gingerbread | Robert Dinsdale
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This is a book that pretty much reads as a modern fairytale and it's amazing. The tragedy of it is almost unbearable and it's so subtly and well-written. Not to mention the beautiful descriptions of the woods. The writer creates a perfect balance between the tragedies born out of war and its consequences on people. And the fairy-tale like style becomes all the more interesting. I really loved this book.

tpixie I read a fairytale like book about a couple who couldn't have children , a girl and a ? Fox? Man liked it but can't think of man name! 8y
Olivia306 @tpixie I will definitely look for this title. It sounds really interesting. :) 8y
tpixie It's based on a Russian Fairy Tale 😀 8y
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