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Blackbird #1 | Sam Humphries
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Okay @MrBook I read 4 one word titles. And two other books to fit two other of your prompts because let‘s be honest, I‘ll finish your challenge, just not in order. You know like #booked2019, #booked2018 and #booked2020

rubyslippersreads I think this is an excellent approach to challenges. 😄 4y
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#WanderingJune Thank you Google... I typed in #BigInJapan and these titles appeared...and I‘m curious about all of them. I sense quirkiness in Japanese fiction.

erzascarletbookgasm Some great reads there, I‘ll like to explore more of these authors. 👍 5y
BarbaraBB Agreeing with @erzascarletbookgasm. I loooove Japanese fiction. 5y
LeeRHarry Same here, too many interesting Japanese authors too little time! 😏 5y
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Cinfhen Last year for #Booked2018 we read #JapaneseThriller(s) which were really atmospheric,dark and compelling. I‘d love to explore #Japanesefiction now @erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry I recently read this book. It was strange and unsettling 5y
alanacristin Really loved Convenience Store Woman 😍 recently read and recommend 5y
LeeRHarry @Cinfhen ooh I have this on my TBR 😊 I can recommend the tagged book, great author name! 😆 5y
Reggie I loved Snakes and Earrings and this is weird to say but The Lonesome Bodybuilder was too out there for me. 5y
TrishB Too out there for @Reggie my mind boggles!! 5y
Reggie @TrishB lol, it happens. 5y
Cinfhen I had that same thought @TrishB #NotPossible @Reggie 😘 5y
Cinfhen I read your tagged book recently @alanacristin it was endearing in a strange way. I‘ll have to check out your suggestion @LeeRHarry 😊 5y
DebinHawaii A great looking stack. Kitchen is a favorite of mine and yes it is quirky. 😉I really liked Convenience Store Woman--unsettling & strange but good. 5y
Hooked_on_books Based on this picture, looks like a lot of women writing. That‘s awesome. 5y
Cinfhen I hadn‘t noticed, but you‘re right @Hooked_on_books that is awesome 💪🏼💄 (edited) 5y
Cinfhen Kitchen definitely caught my eye @DebinHawaii 5y
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Invisible Cities | Italo Calvino
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In one of Calvino's greatest books, Marco Polo relates his journeys to fantastical cities #sofaraway to Kublai Khan. Like much of his other work, Invisible Cities defies easy categorization. Variously described as a whimsical postmodern version of Herodotus, prose poetry & a forerunner of flash fiction. Illustrations are from a wonderful Lithub article:

Cinfhen Beautiful images book sounds like a hard one to tackle. I prefer lighter reads 😛 5y
Theaelizabet This sits on my shelves, but I‘ve yet to get to it (I‘ve only read Baron in the Trees), but when I do, I‘m going to remember “whimsical postmodern version of Herodotus.” 5y
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emilyhaldi I‘m really into the sound of this!!! Definitely #stacking 😄 5y
emilyhaldi Wonder if this could work for #booked2018 #genrebusting 🤔 @Cinfhen 5y
Reviewsbylola Very whimsical. ❤️ 5y
Mdargusch Great choice for this prompt! 5y
vivastory @emilyhaldi I look forward to your thoughts. I plan on eventually reading all of Calvino's work. 5y
vivastory @Theaelizabet Did you like Baron in the Trees? I really enjoyed it. 5y
Theaelizabet @vivastory Yes, I thought it was very clever. 5y
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The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey
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After a lot of searching for a fairy tale retelling I was actually interested in, I came across this book. I'm so glad I chose it. It was a beautiful story. One that I had to take in small sips to experience the setting and atmosphere fully.
Now it's on to spring!!
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Glad u found a winner!! Looking forward to seeing your spring reads 🦋🌷🌞 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! I loved this book. 5y
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Wow! Finally a thriller again that I really, really liked, from the first to the last page. It‘s Japanese, thus unusual. And it‘s not so much (we know who did it!) about the murder but about the investigation.

Last but not least it #RemindsMeOfMyHappyPlace, which is Japan, where I had the most wonderful time some years ago and where I really want to return to some day. #Booked2019

TrishB I‘d love to go to Japan! 5y
julesG It reminds her of her happy place, says the woman who's reading on a Caribbean island right now. 🙈🙈🙈😸😸 5y
BarbaraBB @julesG Ooooh, I sound horrible! You‘re absolutely right!! I am so very happy right now too. I just chose this book months ago as the one for this prompt, not knowing then where I would be reading it 😯🙈🙈🙈🙈😘 5y
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julesG 😁😁 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I liked this one too! I recommend you read more of Higashino. 🙂 And I love Japan too! 5y
BarbaraBB @erzascarletbookgasm I will 😁, I mmediately bought a used copy of (edited) 5y
arubabookwoman That was the 1st book I read by Higashino and I liked it a lot. I've read a couple of others by him that I liked too. I envy your time in Curacao-of course I would pop over to Aruba too. 5y
BarbaraBB @arubabookwoman I hope you‘ll get there one day again, when your husband feels better! 5y
Cinfhen Since #booked2018 and the #JapaneseThriller prompt I‘ve become a fan of this genre. Your review of this book sounds excellent ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Ha, but after reading the publisher‘s blurb I realized I bailed on this book last year 😂😂😂 5y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Really? For me it was the thriller I had been waiting for for months: one that didn‘t disappoint! #booked2018 made me a real fan too, That‘s why I used one again for #Booked2019 😉😘 5y
cathysaid Love this author. Just discovered 2017-18. 5y
BarbaraBB @cathysaid thanks! The Nakano Thrift Shop is on my tbr. Have you read 5y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read either book @cathysaid but I‘ve seen good reviews for Traveling Cat. 5y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB No! But it is now stacked...thanks! 5y
cathysaid @Cinfhen I was concerned the book would be too “sweet” but it was actually quite clever and beautifully written! 5y
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Ghost | Jason Reynolds
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4.5⭐️ This was just such a wonderful book. Ghost is a young guy who comes from the wrong side of town. But he loves to run. He wants to be a big basketball star, his running is there, but not much else. He never realized that he could become an entirely new person by finding the fun in running. It started out as an “I‘ll show you” to the preps acting crazy on the track, but it will turn into a new family and mentor he never expected.

Johanna414 I loved this one. Still need to read the rest in the series 6y
Bradleygirl @Johanna414 me too! I'm happy they're on Scribd. 6y
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Have you wanted to know just a little more about what the readers of #Booked2018 did? I combed through our spreadsheet and found some interesting facts.

We got excited at the beginning, but lots of people didn‘t finish. So if you struggled, you‘re not alone.

Most people used the challenge as we intend it—for fun and to connect with other readers.

p.s. It‘s not too late to join in 2019! Link in comments.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Details for 2019 can be found in the sign-up link here: https://goo.gl/forms/5jbH9jk5TaNPTvKt2 6y
Cathythoughts 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
IamIamIam I may make this my only challenge this year... one question, though. What is Cli-Fi for the Earth Day prompt? 6y
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rockpools Yay! Love this. Thanks to all of you for all of your work on the challenge🌻 6y
Pamwurtzler Thanks! Those are interesting stats. I can‘t remember if I officially signed up for 2019 or not so I‘m going to do it just to make sure! 6y
llwheeler Fun stats! Thanks for sharing, and for all your work hosting! 6y
gradcat This is fantastic...will you be keeping up with #Booked2019 like this? 😊 6y
gradcat @IamIamIam I‘m guessing fiction involving the climate? 🤔 6y
IamIamIam @gradcat AHA, that sounds like a viable option! Good thinking! 6y
mrp27 This is great! Thanks for the stats, so interesting. 6y
saresmoore Cool stats! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks so much for sharing these stats 🙌🏻😀I‘m happy to report that as of Jan 14 2019, I‘ve already entered 156 names for the quarterly drawing!!!! Looks like our Littens are off to a strong start!!! (edited) 6y
AnneCecilie Thanks for sharing the stats. 6y
Cinfhen The literary movement “Cli-Fi” (modeled after the term “sci-fi“) is any fictional work written about the effects of climate change and global warming. @IamIamIam if you google cli-fi it takes you to several book lists 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IamIamIam @gradcat That‘s exactly right. Fiction involving climate change. Search the #clifi hashtag for some suggestions! 6y
AmyG Oh wow. I am honored to be one of the 20 to complete this. Thank you to the hosts...I had a blast! 6y
IamIamIam @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Thanks so much for the info and for hosting!!! I'm excited to go through #mountTBR and make a plan for the challenge!!! Looking forward to it! 😘🤗🤟 6y
LibrarianRyan Awesome. Thank you. Very interesting. 6y
squirrelbrain Really interesting - thanks for letting us all know! 6y
Cinfhen Glad you‘re joining us @IamIamIam I‘m also trying to use only books I own or I can borrow 🤞🏼🤞🏼 (edited) 6y
IamIamIam @Cinfhen Yes, library books will be key!!! Lol 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @RachelO You‘re welcome. Thanks for joining us! 🥰 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Pamwurtzler You‘re welcome. Glad you‘re in for 2019! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @llwheeler You‘re welcome! I love looking for info like this. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @gradcat I‘m sure that by the end of the year I will have looked for some fun stats. Not sure how much I‘ll do each quarter, though. 6y
BarbaraBB Love the stats and I must admit I‘m a little proud to be one of the 20 who completed the challenge ☺️😉😘 6y
Kalalalatja I‘m super proud to be one of the 20 who finished! Here‘s to doing the same in 2019 🙌 6y
alisiakae Thanks for calculating these! @gradcat the spreadsheet we keep makes it easier to compile these stats, so we do plan on doing it in 2019 too! Maybe on a quarterly basis this year? @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @AmyG You deserve a 👏👏👏 for being in the group to complete all the prompts! 6y
AmyG Thanks @4thhouseontheleft. I was determinded to do this. I usually drop out of challenges. (edited) 6y
Butterfinger When it says "tag each of us," who are all involved?My next library haul is next week for winter's 6 prompts so I want to make sure I know what I'm doing because I usually don't. My next question, have I signed up for it already? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Butterfinger I double checked—you‘re on the list! When you review a book you read for the prompt tag me, @Cinfhen and @4thhouseontheleft so we can track you for the giveaways. And because we like to high five ya! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AmyG @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja We are so so excited that you guys finished every prompt. It‘s a big deal for everyone who finishes a challenge. 🥰 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LibrarianRyan @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I‘m glad you guys appreciate these. I truly wasn‘t sure how many people would be interested! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @mrp27 @saresmoore @AnneCecilie Thanks for letting me know you like stats the way I do! 🥰 6y
Bookzombie Even though I was down to the wire finishing last year, I‘m so happy I completed #Booked2018 . I loved many of the prompts and I‘m excited about this year‘s too. (edited) 6y
AmyG @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you. It felt good. 6y
CouronneDhiver Interesting! 6y
BarbaraBB @IamIamIam For #clifi I can sooo recommend this book. It is a chunksters, I know, but you‘ll speed through: it reads like a mystery novel! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the stats! I only took up two seasons and I‘m glad I completed them. This year I think I‘m ready for all the seasons. 6y
IamIamIam @BarbaraBB Thanks so much for the recommendation! It looks great! 6y
sprainedbrain This is cool! 6y
Cinfhen Cheers to my lovely readers who completed the challenge 🥂💞🎉 @AmyG @Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB @Bookzombie & my fabulous cohosts @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (edited) 6y
AmyG Thank you so much @cinfhen 😘 6y
Cathythoughts Just seeing this ! Very interesting to see how last year went 👍🏻♥️. Thankyou ! 5y
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Decided to join #Booked2019! Hopefully I‘ll do better this time than I did with #Booked2018, lol. I got a bit overwhelmed with my reading challenges. I‘m feeling pretty confident, but I guess we‘ll see how it goes this time around. I already have ideas of what I‘ll read for some of these prompts📚🤓🎉
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Yay!!! Just have fun and see where your reading takes you!!! 6y
mhillis Looking forward to seeing the books you choose!! 6y
alisiakae Glad you are joining in again! 6y
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Nessavamusic Yay! I‘m doing this one too! 6y
LibLib #8 under spring, what is Cli-Fi? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LibLib Cli-fi is fictional works related to climate change. They run the gamut from contemporary to speculative fiction. It‘s an interesting up and coming category. #clifi #climatechange 6y
LibLib @BarbaraTheBibliophage thank you! The definitely answers my question 😊 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LibLib My pleasure! Don‘t forget we have a Goodreads group for this challenge. It‘s also a good place to gather ideas for the various prompts. 6y
mreads @BarbaraTheBibliophage is there a link to the goodreads group? I signed up for but never received any information about that. Thanks 6y
mreads @BarbaraTheBibliophage thank you I've just joined 6y
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