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The House at the Edge of the World
The House at the Edge of the World | Julia Rochester
10 posts | 7 read | 33 to read
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Set on the Cornwall/Devon Atlantic coast, a father falls to his death off the cliffs which leads to a mystery. I usually enjoy books set in this part of the world and featuring a house but this one disappointed me. It seemed a little surreal and it dragged for me. Daphne du Maurier it is not.

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Does it count if you hated the book? And I mean HATED. Also, just look at that blurb at the top "I enjoyed the book so much" Really? That's the quote you want to put on the front cover? #homebythesea #rockinmay

Reviewsbylola 😂😂 7y
KarenUK Oh no! I have this on my TBR... why did you hate it? I'm intrigued 😊 7y
Moray_Reads @KarenUK I hated the characters and found the dynamics between them very unconvincing. I don't want to put you off, I think I'm in a minority! 7y
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KarenUK @Moray_Reads thanks!💕 7y
Cinfhen It counts for my challenge 😜and it sounds good...sorry you hated it, though! Not every book is for every reader....I see that everyday on Litsy ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen That would be like putting "I liked it" on the cover. ? 7y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen "I enjoyed THE book" is also strange, wouldn't it be more usual to say "I enjoyed THIS book"? Almost as if she's not really sure which book she's talking about 7y
LeahBergen @Moray_Reads That's right! 😂 7y
ValerieAndBooks Now I'm wondering who Emma Healey is 😂! 7y
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Book 9: Set against a backdrop of windswept coastline and family drama, and their fair share of secrets, this book is a gently twisting tale of discoveries that come that bit too late.

Power through your irritations towards the main character, Morwena, there are other characters to meet that are worthy of your attention...

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I loved this book! The writing is filled with quoteable lines. The characters are not very relateable per se, but that makes them seem all the more real. These unsympathetic characters make for a beautiful story with a hint of mystery and folklore. A father falls from a cliff, twins go their own way and a mother builds a new life. Only grandfather remains at the house at the edge of the world. When he falls ill a secret starts to unravel. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

britt_brooke Nice photo. 📷👌🏻 8y
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"When I was eighteen, my father fell off a cliff. It was a stupid way to die."

Good morning Littens! Starting the day with this new book, it caught my attention from the first lines. (quoted above) Paired with spiced apple puff pastry bites. #readingsnacks. Also in the photo is my notebook in which I write down thoughts and interesting quotes as I read. ?

#booktober @RealLifeReading

Centique YUM! 8y
BeththeBookDragon The quote intrigues me... 8y
quirkyreader Oh the joys of puff pastry dough. Did you make them? 8y
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I-read-and-eat @bethfriedman906 Only 50 pages in but I am loving it so far. I'll put up a review when I finish it. 😊 8y
I-read-and-eat @quirkyreader I did 😊 The pastry is storebought though, I am more of a cook than a baker 😉 8y
quirkyreader I used to make spanakopita with Fillo dough. But that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. 8y
I-read-and-eat @quirkyreader Googled it and it looks delicious. But I hate working with Fillo dough. It always tears when U use it, but it's so gooood. 8y
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#bookmail ! One for school and one for pleasure. Already read the first page of The House at the Edge of the World and the writing is besutiful! Can't wait to read more of it. Has anyone already read it?

GirlMeetsBook I love that version of the cover for the house at the edge of the world! 8y
Aseleener I haven't, but it looks interesting! 8y
I-read-and-eat @GirlMeetsBook I know! It was 50% of my reason for buying it 😊 @Aseleener So far I am loving it. Review will be up when I'm finshed. 😉 8y
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"When I was eighteen, my father fell off a cliff."
Lots of great conversation about this novel tonight. There's the crumbling house by the sea, the prickly protagonist, too-close-for-comfort sibling relationships and a mysterious map. We pretty much all really liked it.

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Finishing up my book club read for our meeting Thursday night.

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Didn't care for the narrator/characters, but really liked the novel. Story involves a mystery surrounding the death of narrator's father and themes related to boundaries and relationships. http://cannonballread.com/2016/06/unlikeable-characters-make-for-a-very-good-nov...