“A lonely traveller” on page 38 is very strong to me. I have always felt like I‘ve been on a road in a metal box. I keep hearing cars go bye but they never look inside to see what‘s wrong but I still keep going, travelling alone.
“A lonely traveller” on page 38 is very strong to me. I have always felt like I‘ve been on a road in a metal box. I keep hearing cars go bye but they never look inside to see what‘s wrong but I still keep going, travelling alone.
“Retell your own stories. Keep pushing your way through the trees, and I promise that, eventually, you will come to a clearing. And then you can dance.”
#merryreaders #wintergames2020
This poetry book was amazing! The themes are influential and definitely inspired some of my own poetry. Not to mention the gorgeous cover 🥰
If you‘re looking for a quick read that might help you vent your own internal demons and you like cool photos, this book is definitely worth taking a look at.
See my full review here: https://www.facebook.com/262384764521804/posts/329048674522079?sfns=mo
Or follow me on Goodreads. Link in profile.
This book was a wonderful introduction to poetry. It handled serious topics that pertain to other young women and it shows the depths of those problems.
It also dealt with feminism, and as a conservative, I was skeptical. But this book handled feminism in a meaningful way, not annoying or shoved down my throat.
I am so happy I finally had the courage to pick up this book and give it a read.
This was disappointing. Feminist fairy tale poetry with a present-day twist sounded right up my alley. But I found the poetry pretty mediocre—I liked the idea more than the execution. I like poetry that pays attention to the craft of words, to how sounds & meaning intersect. This wasn‘t that. It likely fits into the “Instagram poetry” genre, which just isn‘t my thing. Admittedly, I‘m not the target audience—I might have liked it better as a teen.
A really great set of poems that mix modernity and classic fairy tale themes and tropes. A short read but very thought provoking!
🌟🌟🌟🌟 4/5 stars
Finished “Catching Christmas,” now onto the next! (Yeah, I have a TON of poetry books in my pile, because that‘s the only way I‘m going to get even a little bit close to finishing 34 more books by December 31!!!) #poisonedapples #christineheppermann #fairytales #poetry
Thank you so much for the books! This was so very kind of you!! I can‘t wait to read them both. I‘m so excited. You made my day - seriously. It was a long one at work and this just brightened my night!!
#poison #septemberdanes
#newtoyou #poetrymatters
Been on my need to buy poetry pile for a while - will get to it eventually!!
Great collection of poetry based on fairy tales with a young, modern twist. The pictures made the poetry even stronger. Worth a read if poetry, or abstract photography, interests you.
I‘m really on the fence about how to rate this one. The poems are so-so, but this book is filled with arresting images and critique of how our culture treats young girls. The author uses fairy tales as a basis for poetry that reflects challenges and fears teens face.
#poetryandpower #nuyear I really enjoyed this collection of poetry based fairy tale retellings with a decidedly feminist bent that makes them more relevant especially teens for today. That said a number are dark, dark,dark! @TrishB also doubling up for #quotsyjan18 #never ! @TK-421
Wow! I don‘t get the many bad reviews on goodreads. I loved this. I completely got her stuff. Great images in the book. I‘m buying a hard copy ASAP.
My #readathon stack! Not sure how many of these I'll finish, but I remain optimistic. 😊
#RiotGrams, Day 15: Today's prompt is "poetry." And though it be but little, it is fierce. ???
This book is phenomenal. Hepperman attacks gender roles, beauty myths, insecurities, and all the vulnerable troubles of girls/women by retelling fairytales in poem format. This should be required reading for all high school and college aged girls. Where is the dividing line btwn fairytales and reality? Hepperman begs us to let her know. If the poetry isn't enough, the artwork and photography make this little book truly enchanting.
Great spin on using fairy tales to tackle life issues and the beauty culture...
Creative allusion to the standards society place on women and the struggle some women ultimately have with self-acceptance. Mirrors often lie and we believe them.
At first I was bummed that this wasn't a truer fairy tale twist, but the genius of the poems won me over and it should be required reading in school...j/k then kids wouldn't read it but you know what I mean😉