30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 27 “The Way the Crow Flies,” by Ann-Marie MacDonald
30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 27 “The Way the Crow Flies,” by Ann-Marie MacDonald
Wow! 810 pages of descriptive and beautiful writing. This is a thought-provoking story filled with twists and turns and a surprise ending. Set in Canada during the 1960‘s-70‘s Jack and Mimi are in love with life, themselves, and their two young children Mike and Madeleine. Things start to unravel when Jack takes on a secret mission from an old friend. 💙💙💙
I love this book and it would be a great pick for any book club. #riotgrams
A strong story and an author that I do admire - this one, however needed some more editing. It was a struggle to get through the long introductory set up to where the meat of the actual story is. That being said, I did like the ending a lot - just took me too long to get there.
This book had so many elements. It is set during the cold war at a military base in Canada. There is a murder and a military secret and abuse that you would never guess would affect each other, but they do. It is a story about how far families will go to protect each other. Great read!
I've been Reading this book slowly over the course of a few months and I feel like it has become my friend :-) don't want it to end but also want to know what happens !
There are some stories you can never hear enough. They are the same every time you hear them - but you are not. That's one reliable way of understanding time.
Two books I loved, two covers I hated. I need to replace my copy of White Teeth with a non-adaptation cover. And I've mentioned The Way the Crow Flies before, it languished unread on my shelf for years because the cover was so blah.
#goodbookbadcover #aprilbookshowers
#marchintoreading day 12: #bookishpetpeeves
To be honest I have so many to cite! Like people who underline and highlight library books!! Torn pages in library picture books! Missing cover art from ebooks! And I especially cannot stand stickers that aren't stickers like this "Today's Book Club" that is printed on the cover. At least with a sticker there is still a chance (slim may it be) of removal. But I can't get rid of this one!! Sigh..
Let me start by saying I LOVE Ann-Marie MacDonald. I picked this one up shortly after I devoured Fall On Your Knees, but then I just couldn't bring myself to read it. Totally #judgedbyitscover Something about the colour and the texture just bored me. It sat on my TBR for close to ten years before I picked it up last summer. I loved it, of course.
#dontjudgeabookbyitscover #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
One of my all-time favorite books! #Thewaythecrowflies #canadianfiction #solidchoice #love
Canada Day Fun Friday photo. Beautiful, painful, a combination of innocence and cynicism. Outside of growing up watching the original Degrassi Junior High, my first real immersion into life in Canada.