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Pet Peeves | Taylor McCafferty
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You will #neverever find me doing this! For a thick paperback book, I even open the pages at a certain degree as to avoid creasing the spine! I know, I‘m that fussy. 😬#bookishpetpeeves

(Image from google of course)

Redwritinghood That image is just horrifying! 😱😱 5y
Cinfhen That photo is painful to look at 😖 5y
TrishB Same... 5y
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TK-421 😱 5y
Melissa_J Same here 5y
Leftcoastzen People can‘t tell what I have read or haven‘t read , I like them to look nice , I handle with care. 5y
batsy I'm with you on that! 5y
maleahrae Ugh! Same! My son recently did this and I was flabbergasted! He said it was because his teacher did it! Nope, still not okay! 5y
TheLibrarian @Leftcoastzen I‘m the same way! My husband and I have 2 copies of some books because he destroys them and I want mine to look new. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego A cracked spine is my biggest pet peeve too! 5y
Mdargusch Ha! I started reading my paperbacks halfway open so I don‘t bend anything! 😄 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘m a spine cracker and not afraid to admit it! 5y
Soubhiville Ow, poor book! That looks painful 😢 5y
emilyhaldi I have trouble not cracking the spine when it's a chunkster 😅 5y
Weaponxgirl @Reviewsbylola same here, although that picture does look particularly bad. 5y
BooknerdsLife OMG! I CANT! 😭 Poor book! I might dog-ear pages of my books when I'm out of sticky note/tags or forgot my book mark but I'd never ever crack the spine of my books😆🙈 5y
Bookladylinda 😳 OMG! I would never do that!!!!! 5y
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Interestingly, the third book in this series is the highest rated on Goodreads. It does have far fewer ratings than the first one, of course, but almost as many as the second. I‘m just in the mood for something fun and also happy to complete the trilogy ☺️ Plus I adore these covers (although this one has that stupid movie sticker that I‘m afraid to try to remove.) #nowreading

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes! Those book stickers are one of my huge #BookishPetPeeves 6y
alisonrose @Riveted_Reader_Melissa And they make ones that peel off easily, but for some reason some publishers or whatever refuse to use them 😠 6y
ShananigansReads I just got the audiobook from the library. Can‘t wait to start. 6y
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#BookishPetPeeves When you buy a trilogy of books from the same bookseller on the same day in the same order, but one book is a different size to the other two. Argh!!🤬

Soubhiville Yeah, not acceptable. 6y
minkyb Unacceptable. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes! Agreed! 6y
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#readingresolutions day 16 #bookishpetpeeves @Jess7

My biggest peeve is crappy movie adaptations. When film makers change the heart of a story or the characters and the qualities that make them who they are, and turn it into a nearly completely different story than what's in the book. Why even call it an adaptation, when it's really just loosely based on someone else's ideas. 🙄

Dr._Who_number10 Omg that picture just made my day🤣🤣😂 it‘s just so funny. •And I don‘t know why they call it that? It‘s really stupid. Like Hey I‘m going to make a movie about this and it‘s alllllll my idea I promise....(not) it‘s basically plagiarism, in a way. 6y
madamereadsalot1 @Dr._Who_number10 like I get you have to make it translate to the medium. I get that somethings added or deducted can actually be a boon to the film. But when you change the basic core of a movie, or even worse change minor things that literally were unnecessary to change... So infuriating. It can seem so much like plagiarism. 'Just borrowing the big bits, is all. No worries. But then I'm gonna try to profit off this already established fan base!' 6y
Jmrose I would have to agree with this. I was thinking 🤔 what would it be and this hits it spot on. I have yet to see a movie after reading a book that I feel captures the full essence. Close but I want the full story. Not motified. Like life. Do you want to live it to the fullest or an abbreviated version ? (edited) 6y
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Pet Peeves | Taylor McCafferty
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Dog earring pages, I like when my pages are perfect.
When someone spoils the ending. It‘s just, what‘s the point of reading if I can‘t guess the ending for myself?

teainthelibrary Ugh, mine is when little kids throw picture books all over the children‘s section in the library then proceed to walk and crawl all over them as their parents sit and chat! So annoying 6y
BookishGirl06 @teainthelibrary that‘s horrible. Makes me want to walk up to them and tell them to stop. 6y
Maggie_Reads 1. Dog-eared pages 2. page tears 3. books thrown in the trash 😡 6y
BookishGirl06 @Maggie_Reads who throws a book in the trash? Donate if you don‘t want it 6y
Maggie_Reads @BookishGirl06 I saw a book in my mom's trash. I rescued it and told her all unwanted books are to be directed my way in the future. (edited) 6y
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Not my usual read but I needed a Z for #LitsyAtoZ. Enjoyed for the most part. Although I could see where the whole "Beloved" Plot was headed. Problem was after the reveal there wasn't a Happy Ever After but a bit of Cliffhanger. Now I have to read the next one. Also entire book Heroine refers to herself as plump & big boned & has all sorts of insecurities about her weight. Yet cover of the book features typical model type. #bookishpetpeeves

The Magicians: A Novel | Lev Grossman
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Day 12: I don't normally buy #multipleeditions of the same book. Yes, I have HP and the Sorcerers Stone as well as Philosophers Stone. And I have a LOTR omnibus and each book individually. But, generally, I don't.
Instead let's talk one of my #bookishpetpeeves : when the style of my books in a series don't match. #autumnreads

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I went ahead and purchased even though only 2 new stories out of 7.
A Fugitive Green & Besieged were both great reads but constant repackaging of previously released material is my new #bookishpetpeeves. I already had other 5 stories. I love Lord John Grey! He is a complex & fascinating character. If you want to read his story in chronological order, you have to jump from book to book & continually Google.

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I can't stand books that don't use quotations for speaking. Grr..

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can't either!! It drove me crazy reading 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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One of my #bookishpetpeeves is picture pages interrupting a paragraph of text. How am I supposed to remember the first half of the sentence while I look through the pictures? Props to this book, who had three sections of pictures, all of which were after a completed paragraph!

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