I‘m a huge Beatles fan so when I saw the cover of the book I knew I had to read it. It was very cute, fun, and refreshing.
I‘m a huge Beatles fan so when I saw the cover of the book I knew I had to read it. It was very cute, fun, and refreshing.
😱 Thank you so much!!! @AmberWB You definitely spoiled me and nailed everything i love! Look at the sloth booksleeve!!! And sloth tape!! And unicorn tabs!! I love it all! The coffee and puzzle are going to be my weekend plans for sure! Thank you so much!!!! 🥰
Its here!!!! @AmberWB ❤️ Thank you and i cant wait to open it!! #lonelyheartsclubswap
Two more days to sign up for the #lonelyheartsclubswap
Open to everyone!
Spread the word!!! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings
Dont forget sign up are open for my #lonelyheartsclubswap
Its all about friendship and littenhood! 💝
Please repost and share! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings
Sign ups will close Jan. 18th.
This is open to everyone! (it will ask if you want to ship internationally)
I had fun hosting my first swap, so i thought i would host another one! I know Valentines Day may not always be the happiest day for some, so lets celebrate friendship and Littenhood on Feb. 14th with the #lonelyheartsclubswap
Signups will close Jan. 18th.
This is open to everyone! (it will ask if you want to ship internationally)
Please repost and share! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings
My daughter who is a Beatles fan picked this up at a book-fair. After unsuccessfully scanning my bookshelf/stacks for #cursive titles I found this on hers.
Yo, Penny Lane Bloom, juro solemnemente no volver a salir con otro chico en lo que me queda de vida. De acuerdo, quizá cambie de opinión cuando ya no viva en Parkview, ni asista al instituto McKinley; pero por el momento, he terminado con los chicos. Son unos mentirosos y unos estafadores. Algunos parecen agradables, claro; pero en cuanto consiguen lo que buscan, se deshacen de ti y pasan al objetivo siguiente. Así que NO MÁS CHICOS! ⭐️⭐️
It was normal, pretty predictable, slow 🐌 but I do like how it ends.
This book was one of the first books I read where I could relate to it. Sure it's predictable at times, but that's the case with a lot of YA books. It's good, and even better if you like the Beatles.