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Black Narcissus
Black Narcissus: A Virago Modern Classic | Rumer Godden
11 posts | 9 read | 19 to read
High in the Himalayas near Darjeeling, the old mountaintop palace shines like a jewel. When it was the General's 'harem' palace, richly dressed ladies wandered the windswept terraces; at night, music floated out over the villages and gorges. Now, the General's son has bestowed it on an order of nuns, the Sisters of Mary. Well-intentioned yet misguided, the nuns set about taming the gardens and opening a school and dispensary for the villagers. They are dependent on the local English agent of Empire, Mr Dean; but his charm and insolent candour are disconcerting. And the implacable emptiness of the mountain, the ceaseless winds, exact a toll on the Sisters.When Mr Dean says bluntly, 'This is no place for a nunnery,' it is as if he foresees their destiny...
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Book Outlet strikes again! 🙈😬🤷

TheLudicReader I always have a full cart on that stupid site. 10mo
Ruthiella I love those Virago naked hardbacks! They are so pretty. 😍 10mo
batsy Nice 😍 I've had my eye on that edition of Black Narcissus! 10mo
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LeahBergen Viragos! I must go check out their site again. 10mo
ShelleyBooksie The cover of the book of witches- gorgeous!!! 10mo
merelybookish @TheLudicReader It's so dangerous! 💸💸 10mo
merelybookish @Ruthiella Me too! I'm a sucker for a Virago! 10mo
merelybookish @batsy I couldn't resist! 10mo
merelybookish @LeahBergen There were a bunch available. I was surprised! 10mo
merelybookish @ShelleyBooksie Yes, maybe will save for October. 🧙 10mo
Centique Janet Frame! 🙌🙌 I havent read that one yet 🤔 10mo
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


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Now that I'm kinda finally into this one, did I find myself compelled to make a bookmark to go along with it? Yes, yes I did. 🤷‍♀️😏

Ruthiella Nice work! 👍 2y
AmyG Awesome!!, 2y
Cathythoughts That‘s a great bookmark 👍🏻♥️ I loved this book. 2y
batsy Nice! 2y
DivineDiana Fantastic bookmark! Loved the movie! 2y
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The best thing about a tie-in edition is that I don't mind if it gets beat up in my bag, has did it drink dropped on it, or suffers any other sort of damages.

sisilia Ooohh I didnt know there‘s a series. I just the beautiful virago edition at the bookstore yesterday, but was reluctant to buy it because I‘m not sure if I‘d like it 13mo
quietjenn Yes - the Viragos of this are lovely! And this is a good reminder to actually watch the show! I did like this, but it was way different than I expected. 12mo
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A group of nuns , high in the Himalayan mountains, in thin air , far away from anything they know.... yet something here brings out a deeper part of them , that has been hidden , that has been longing for release.
Book is excellent
Although the TV series is not entirely true in details... I think it‘s really good & with some brilliant cinematic images
Looking forward to hearing what ye think ...

LeahBergen Lovely review! I must get to it soon. 😊 4y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thanks Leah ! I love that the author‘s personal experience is India & this book is India ... I‘m so looking forward to your thoughts 4y
BarbaraBB Sounds so good, love your review. In what country is it set? Just asking for #ReadingAsia2021 🤍 4y
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Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB I believe it‘s in India 4y
BarbaraBB Thanks! I‘ll stack it for India! 4y
rockpools Just settled down to watch the first episode 🙂 4y
Cathythoughts @rockpools will be interested to hear your thoughts 👍🏻❤️ 4y
batsy Nice review, Cathy! Both book and series sound very intriguing 👍🏽 4y
Cathythoughts @batsy Thanks 🙏😊 book is excellent... I really like the tv show as well ... 4y
sisilia I saw this beautiful edition at Kinokuniya yesterday but was not convinced if this is a story that I‘d like. Your review is a push factor 😆 I‘ll buy it next weekend 13mo
Cathythoughts @sisilia I hope you enjoy fingers crossed 🤞🏻 . I loved it. 12mo
Cathythoughts @sisilia It will definitely adorn your shelves 💫 12mo
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Getting ahead of the Christmas TV with this *literal* beauty.

Cathythoughts Just finished! Sooo good. Looking forward to the TV series 4y
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How pretty is this newly released Virago Modern Classics Designer Collection edition??

Now THIS is how you do a reprint! 💙

Andrea313 Gorgeous! 😍 And I love Rumer Godden, too. Enjoy! 4y
MsMelissa It‘s lovely. 4y
MaureenMc Wow! 🤩 4y
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Ruthiella Beautiful!😍 4y
daena Stunning! 4y
Chrys That is gorgeous 4y
batsy Yes, that's the way to do it! I've been eyeing it 😆 It's stunning! 4y
KVanRead Gorgeous 😍 4y
Tanisha_A Oh my 🤤 4y
BarbaraBB Gorgeous 😍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Very! 💙 4y
Kalalalatja I can‘t take my eyes off it 😍😍😍 4y
Centique Oh my lord, I want to ask it to a dance and buy it a corsage cos it‘s SO PRETTY! 4y
Cathythoughts It‘s stunning ✨ 4y
Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira 🤩 beautiful ❣️ 4y
rubyslippersreads I‘m drooling. 😄 4y
emilyhaldi I want to cover my walls in that print 😍 4y
vivastory This is stunning!! 4y
Reviewsbylola Holy shit, that is gorgeous!! 4y
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All my reading life I have been looking for a thoughtful and passionate rebuke of colonialism via missionary work and I think I may have found it in this book. I have been interested in reading it for a while, but when I saw the preview for the new movie coming out, I had to prioritize it quickly. I cannot put it down!

merelybookish Pretty cover too! 4y
batsy Lovely cover! I've been meaning to read it. (Virago has released another pretty edition recently, too!) 4y
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Scenes from this film haunted me when I was a little girl but I didn't realise until recently that it was adapted from a book.
And the author is the same Rumer Godden who wrote the Diddakoi another memorable adaptation from my childhood.

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Sister Ruth from BLACK NARCISSUS is one heck of a #dramaqueen and a little bit scary, too. She likes stirring up contentions and jealousies among the order of nuns in this novel. One of my favorite books and movies! #Characters2017

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 7y
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Surprisingly fresh considering its age. Enjoyed the atmospheric descriptions of the landscape.