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Palace of the Drowned | Christine Mangan
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This didn‘t really work for me although there were elements I liked - the setting of Venice and the Gothic novel tones. Mostly though I was left wondering what the point of it all was. It didn‘t feel that suspenseful, the ending fell flat and it‘s one of those where you wish the characters would just communicate! Definitely a good book for the #titlesandtunes #dramaqueen though 👑

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Sarina Summers will stop at nothing to have it all. Nicole Hicks harbors a fierce obsession with Sarina. Nice girl Bitty Jack Carlson is caught in the crossfire. It‘s survival of the fittest. Which girl will come out on top?

This story was insane with an ending even crazier. Lots of girl/mom drama. Highly recommended if you like catty dark comedies. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#RushAThon #SummerEndReadathon #20in4
#TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
Cinfhen I LOVE Helen Ellis! I didn‘t know she wrote a book! Must go look for it 😍 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
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Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Novelization | Jim Hensen, A.C.H. Smith
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If you are a fan of the movie, Labyrinth, then you will like this book. It follows the movie 95% but there were additional scenes and dialogue that replaced the signing from the movie. What I loved best about this book was that it included Jim Henson's notes and Brian Froud's illustrations while collaborating ideas for the movie. 4⭐️
#titlesandtunes #dramaqueen
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen Sounds fun! A real collector‘s edition 🫶🏼 9mo
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All's Well | Mona Awad
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Nothing like a good book and a glass of the golden remedy to ease your mind, am I right? If you've read this, you'll know this last phrase is repeated over and over. After a while, I was repeating it to my cats ('That's some yummy food, am I right?'). It's one of many careless phrases uttered by the happy that serve to irritate the miserable in Awad's theater of the absurd. A perfect dark comic meditation on the gulf between sickness and wellness.

Ruthiella I loved this one too. I‘m very excited for her newest and have it on hold at the library 9mo
Billypar @Ruthiella Yeah, the new one sounds great. Mona Awad is actually doing a reading at my local bookstore along with Laura Sims this Friday, so I'm really looking forward to that! 9mo
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BarbaraBB How cool to meet her Friday. I liked this one too. Your review is fantastic! 9mo
Billypar @BarbaraBB Thanks! Yeah, I don't always pay close attention to my local bookstore events, but I'm glad I noticed this one. 9mo
batsy I'm looking forward to reading this, too! Great picture... That's the ideal combo 😆 9mo
Cinfhen I just read two books by Laura Simms and they were SO GOOD!!! Friday‘s event should be AMAZING!!!! I enjoyed this book but Awad‘s newest is my favorite 9mo
sarahbarnes What a cool book event! Loved this one and am currently reading Rouge and agree with @Cinfhen so far it‘s my favorite of hers. I love her writing. 9mo
Cinfhen Yay @sarahbarnes !!!! Rouge was “almost” sane 😁😉 (edited) 9mo
Billypar @batsy The picture was one of those situations that was accidentally book-relevant, so no staging required 😄 9mo
Billypar @Cinfhen I'll be forever grateful to you and @BarbaraBB for introducing me to Awad via the Bunny readalong. And I can't believe Rouge is even better given the strength of her last two! But I will trust you and @sarahbarnes and maybe skip my usual year-plus delay on reading new releases. And now it also sounds like I'll have to make time for Laura Sims at some point! 📚📚📚 9mo
BarbaraBB If you make that exception on new releases you can probably get a signed copy of Rouge! That‘d be great! 9mo
Billypar @BarbaraBB Yeah, I'll definitely be getting a copy, hopefully signed. But it faces stiff competition on my TBR bookshelf once it arrives there 🙂 9mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean 😀 9mo
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#SummerEndReadathon #RushAThon

My pick for September‘s #TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen
I quite enjoyed this book—it was fast-paced & entertaining with lots of twists & turns. A psychopath going after psychopath is students in a secret college program was a fun premise. I did figure out the whodunnit, but it still kept me guessing. Yes, Chloe, the MC is a psychopath (& a drama queen) but you can‘t help rooting for her (or maybe that‘s just me🤪)!!

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 9mo
BarbaraBB Great review! Lots of drama! 9mo
Cinfhen Yay!!! Glad the challenge helped get this book off your TBR!! 9mo
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I chose this book for #TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen because of its title but it doesn‘t fit the prompt at all 🤷🏻‍♀️ The drama is real in Segher‘s short story collection, which mostly is about nazism and the war.
In the title story, for example, a woman imagines herself with her old schoolmates on a class trip. She intersperses her descriptions of the children in the years before the war with the lives they grew up to endure. A tough read.

Librarybelle That does sound like a tough read. 9mo
Cinfhen Sounds really uncomfortable 🙁oh well, next month‘s choice sounds really promising ( and it‘s short🙃) 9mo
Suet624 Oh my. 9mo
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If you're looking for a crime novel where you're involved and can try to figure out who did it - this is not it. The story is more about Samsons day to day happenings, following him through Kiev in 1919. Kurkow is more about writing about the town in the midst of history, than actually solving crimes.

It's a very low pick and I often thought about not continuing this series. But there's something about the characters and the narration that ⬇

Jari-chan drew me in and made me a little sad when it was time to say goodbye. I might read the first book anyway (this is part two).

#TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen
@barbarabb @cinfhen
Cinfhen Great cover art 😍 9mo
BarbaraBB What @Cinfhen says 🥰 9mo
Jari-chan @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB Glad you like it too 🤭 9mo
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What a sweet story. Just what I‘m looking for in romantic fiction! Lovable main characters and an adorable drama queen dog. Fun!
#TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Spot on 🙌🏽 9mo
Cinfhen Looks like a fun read! Pawfect 🐾🫶🏼 9mo
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Road Queens | MaryJanice Davidson
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#TitlesAndTunes #DramaQueen

I recently received the #ARC from #NetGalley and thought it was maybe appropriate for this month's topic. The title made me think of road trips and that reminded me that, long before I first read Good Omens, we used to listen to Queen's Greatest Hits (on a cassette tape) when on family trips (now I feel ancient). Anyway, my favourite back then was Don't Stop Me Now (link in comments)

@BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Queen 🙌🏻I feel like Freddy Mercury really defines #DramaQueen ❤️ 9mo
julesG @Cinfhen That too 9mo
BarbaraBB Great story behind the song 🩷 9mo
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