Library #bookhaul
My InstantPot has long since been promoted from appliance to sous chef.
I've not made much use of the slow cooker function, though. (The air fryer is a new venture: so far it's at risk of becoming known as "the potato machine".)
Library #bookhaul
My InstantPot has long since been promoted from appliance to sous chef.
I've not made much use of the slow cooker function, though. (The air fryer is a new venture: so far it's at risk of becoming known as "the potato machine".)
#libraryhaul ☺️
Marmalade is the next library group book.
The Messud is my final #bookerprizelonglist title.
The Tchaikovsky is by way of treating myself after showing up for a social activity. 😉
Waiting for me on the "reserved books" shelf this week.
Mr K was also waiting for me; I deliberately didn't take my glasses, so I wouldn't be tempted to browse. ???
Book group #libraryhaul
We had a really enjoyable book group meet-up yesterday. And, as always, there were more books to bring home 😃. The Tana French is next month's book. The others were waiting for me on the holds shelf.
I went in for ONE book (the Tchaikovsky) that was waiting for me on the holds shelf.
What can I say? I didn't have much time to browse and I panicked! 🤣
I am buzzing! I took my harp to my library's social group (we're taking it in turns to "do a thing"). So nervous beforehand I thought I might have to change my name and leave the country but I was canny and made sure I'd primed the holds shelf!
I played with shaking hands but it went well: somehow I seem to have enchanted everyone! Feeling happily overwhelmed now and full of gratitude. ?
Today's modest #libraryhaul , at book group.
"The Doll Factory" is next month's book.
"Day" was waiting for me on the holds shelf.
Wholly illogical, I know, but the fact that both covers are my favourite colour seems to bode well! ?
I forgot to post this week's #libraryhaul
The top one is for book group. The other two are my own choosing. (We're not going to talk about the 20 or so books I currently have on hold. 🤐)
Today's modest #libraryhaul 😊
I'm focusing on reading my owned books this year but the library gets me out of the house, so what's a girl to do? 🤷
Post library book group haul.
Next month's book. Plus, I am still auditioning knitting books suitable for newbies.
Librarian Kim ran a tight ship this afternoon, so I enjoyed it much more than last time... even if we were discussing the plausibility or otherwise of nuclear-apocalyptic human behaviour.
The Last is for book group.
The next Uhtred book as per my Christmas (Yule!) tradition.
Yet another autism book. Because.
Yesterday's library book group was disappointing. Tea and biscuits were front and centre (literally, metaphorically). Within minutes the whole thing had devolved into general chitchat. Everyone talking at once about nothing in particular scrambles my brain: I left early. Even in the library I felt out of place! 😩
This month's books may have been so-so, but I judge the library's book group meeting to be a success. ? It was nice to talk books with people IRL for a change.
"Penguins" is next month's book: the other two are mine.
Lunchtime #libraryhaul !
I reserved the Asperger's book a few weeks back. The others were simple opportunism 😀.
I couldn't even read the blurb of the Richard Powers one as I'd forgotten my glasses, but no way was I leaving that on the shelf!
I'm going deep! (No surprises there, then.)
Some I bought, some I borrowed from the library.
A book, a bake, a bevy, and a blaze: it's become a winter solstice tradition of mine 😄. So here's my naked heathen of a fruitcake, a lovely big #libraryhaul, and a bottle of Stone's ginger wine. There's a goodly fire in the wood-burner, too.
(I believe this means I am now officially stepping into Christmas! 😆)