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Autobiography | Morrissey
The Record Breaking Number One Bestseller With new images and a full discography 'With a life steeped in the acute articulation of what it feels like to be an 'outsider's outsider'. . . Mr M continues to stir and shake us up. He's made a profound connection and difference to a multitude of lives. God bless Morrissey and all who ever dared to sail forth, with or without a compass' - Annie Lennox 'A rococo triumph' - Independent 'Brilliant and relentless. Genius, really' - Douglas Coupland 'A beautifully measured prose style that combines a lilting, poetic turn of phrase and acute quality of observation' - The Telegraph 'Funnier than the Iliad' - BBC Radio 4
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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"I've come to wish you an Unhappy Birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
But I won't cry"
- "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths


Leftcoastzen 😂 no explanation needed , wish he hadn‘t turned out this way, see , I explained a little anyway…. 1mo
BarbaraBB Intriguing. I used to love Morrisey! 1mo
AmyG Ha! I love The Smiths but what a miserable man. 🤣 1mo
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The_Book_Ninja Not a fan 1mo
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen He's a bit of a conundrum, so some explanation, probably psychology, is required for a man who championed the marginalised in his youth, and quickly descended into reviling them 🫤 As he wrote the quoted petard, it seems appropriate to hoist him with it! 1mo
Bookwomble @BarbaraBB Past tense, exactly! 1mo
Bookwomble @AmyG Very much a Charmless Man these days! 1mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I'm still a fan of The Smiths, not the man. I love seeing Johnny Marr on shows, when inevitably he's asked about Moz, and he retains a dignified silence, but his expression speaks volumes ? I think the nearest I've heard him comment was in reply to a question about a Smiths reunion, and he said, "Maybe, but with Nigel Farrage on guitar!"?? 1mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I did some session work for Johnny Marr for the last Electronic album. He was a good bloke 1mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja 😱 You've been hiding your light under a bushel! EXPLAIN! 🧐 1mo
The_Book_Ninja In another lifetime I was a DJ and producer. Arthur Baker rang me up one day and asked me if I would do some scratching for a Johnny Marr project. I turned up at the studio, scratched some noises onto the backing track, (which got used on two songs) had a cup of tea and left. That must have been ‘98 1mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja FANTASTIC! Jason Mad Doctor X?! Mate, you're on the record sleeve 😃 1mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja 🙇‍♂️😉 1mo
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 31 (Bonus Book) “Autobiography,” by Morrissey.

Autobiography | Morrissey
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Writes prose as well as he does lyrics, a genuine Penguin Classic.

Autobiography | Morrissey
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The Smiths, one of my favourite bands of all time; I love the lyrics Morrissey writes. ❤

EclecticBookLover 😍😍😍😍😍😍 3y
vivastory The Smiths are def one of my faves 3y
Vansa I love The Smiths! Morrissey as a person- not so much. How's the autobiography? 3y
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TheNeverendingTBR @vivastory Good taste! 👌 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @Vansa I'm going to read it for the first time soon! 😌💫 3y
Bookwomble @Vansa Same - today's Morrissey is such a disappointment 😕 3y
Vansa @Bookwomble it's actually quite surprising,from the lyrics of the genuinely empathetic, thoughtful Smiths songs I would never have expected this change of mindset!! 3y
Bookwomble @Vansa If you watch Morrissey's interviews from The Smiths era, he does often come across as a pretentious douche bag. How he is the same person who wrote those lyrics is something of a mystery to me. At least we still have Johnny Marr ❤🎸❤ 3y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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I love The Smiths and Morrissey but I don‘t think Morrissey himself would be fun to hang out with. This book was a struggle to read with his pretentiousness and it was written with absolutely no chapters or sections with most paragraphs spanning a page or two.

Autobiography | Morrissey

Some murders are well worth their prison term.

Autobiography | Morrissey
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Dear God, let time pass quickly, and let this end. Let me be older and let this mediocrity pass as a dream.

Autobiography | Morrissey
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I kid you not, this paragraph is 4.5 pages long. Wow, Morrissey. 🙄

Autobiography | Morrissey
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TrishB 😂😂 6y
Cinfhen But now I know who he is ..... 6y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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#Kindledeal available today - also on #Audible.

Autobiography | Morrissey
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Another book i can't wait to read! For starters i collect the black penguin books, I LOVE THEM THEY LOOK SO PRETTY on my shelves!!!! Second its the smiths! Morrissey is a man of beatuiful words, i love his songs and the lyrics are real and deep there is pain and emotion in his songs but in a happy way i love it !! The bae @trioxin_sematary introduced the smiths to me 💋🤘can't wait to pick Morrissey's brain in this book! #music #read #thesmiths

rabbitprincess I have the audio of this because David Morrissey (likely no relation 😂) narrates it 😍 6y
MStew @rabbitprincess 😂now i wanna hear this!!!! 6y
Jinjer I didn‘t know black penguins were a THING!!!! 6y
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booklover76 Adding to my tbr!!! Secret confession time: when I am cleaning I love to listen to the Smith's. 6y
MStew @Jinjer for me they are😄😂 6y
MStew @booklover76 Thats the best!!!!😃😍 6y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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#ItsAShame Morrissey turned into such a racist dickhead #aprella @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola

Reviewsbylola Def a shame! 6y
Mdargusch Wow! I had no idea. ☹️ 6y
emilyhaldi 👎🏻👎🏻 6y
readordierachel Yeah... 6y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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‘The singer-songwriter and founder of Smiths has been a solo artist for #twentysix years, during which time he had three number one albums in England in three different decades. Highly influential, Morrissey has been credited as a seminal figure in the emergence of indie rock and Britpop and was voted the second greatest British icon by viewers of BBC in 2006.‘
Saw this book at the bookstore recently. Catching up on #novemberbythenumbers

TrishB I have on my tbr but my love for Morrissey has long gone and I can‘t bring myself to read it!! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Haha, yeah, it was so long ago that I liked a few of his songs @TrishB 7y
arlenefinnigan I enjoyed it. It's everything you'd want from a Morrissey autobiography - bitchy, paranoid, how he triumphed despite the world being against. He even manages to not say anything racist. 7y
BestDogDad This has been on my TBR list for a long time. I see he‘s in the news again. Surprise. 7y
rabbitprincess Confession: I bought the audio of this because David Morrissey narrates it 😂 7y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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Demanding your autobiography is published on the Penguin Classics imprint? 🙄 #UncannyOctober @RealLifeReading

Billypar I can't believe that's real- it looks like something out of The Onion. 7y
Abailliekaras Two Crime Writers & Microphone read out his paragraph that won the bad sex in fiction award and had me laughing so much I couldn‘t breathe. 😂 7y
arlenefinnigan @Abailliekaras I can't bring myself to read it. I'm holding out for the audiobook, hopefully narrated by Charles Dance or Brian Blessed 😉 7y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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#ThatJokeIsntFunnyAnymore #JuneTunz @Cinfhen
Oh, Morrissey. I adore your music (although your last album was a bit shit). I even love this delightfully self-indulgent bitchy memoir. But, Morrissey....you MUST stop talking.

arlenefinnigan I guess I'm at fault, Morrissey. I should have been more appalled when you said things like 'the Chinese are subhuman'. I should have condemned that as the disgusting racism it was instead of wincing and rolling my eyes. 7y
arlenefinnigan But your comments after the Manchester bombing, Morrissey.... You crossed a line. Manchester - YOUR Manchester - was in shock. It was grieving. It was overwhelmed with pain and horror, but it was still desperately trying to choose love over hate. And you embarrassed Manchester, Morrissey. You chose hate. 7y
arlenefinnigan You - the Mancunian son of immigrants - blamed the atrocity on immigration. You should have known better. It takes guts to be gentle and kind. You know that, Morrissey. Manchester has guts. Manchester chooses love. 7y
Cinfhen Well said!!! 🙌🏻💕 7y
batsy Agreed with @Cinfhen. Really disappointed with Morrissey, since The Smiths were a fundamental part of my musical coming of age. He spewed some racist bile against Chinese people awhile back too. 7y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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#thatjokeisntfunnyanymore #JuneTunz
The Smiths were awesome.

Izai.Amorim Yes, they were. And Morrissey's first 2 albums. 7y
DeborahSmall Fab 👍🏼😍 7y
rabbitprincess I enjoyed the audio of Morrissey's autobiography; it was narrated by David Morrissey 😄 7y
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TrishB @Izai.Amorim they were indeed 👍 I keep Morrissey in a locked box in my head now as he's very disappointing now! (Using a polite word!) 7y
TrishB @rabbitprincess 👍 cool 7y
Izai.Amorim @TrishB I kept buying his records year after year, hoping it would get better someday but it didn't. His partner for the music wasn't as good as Johnny Marr, (whose work in Electronic I appreciated a lot, a fresh sound). But the Smiths were just marvelous. Still listen to them. 7y
TrishB @Izai.Amorim his politics and recent rantings don't help either! Marr has done some good stuff. I think it's just that they were so perfect together. A bit like The Jam - never the same apart! 7y
EvieBee Love it!!! 7y
Cinfhen You & @arlenefinnigan had the same thought! Morrissey really pissed you guys off! He should have kept his mouth 🤐 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen us northern girls feel it very strongly! 7y
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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@Liberty #moreorless my fav non fiction book EVER! ❤❤❤

sarahnicoloff Love Morrissey ❤ 7y
Betty_Bookworm @sarahnicoloff Me too! I am absolutely obsessed. 7y
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Autobiography | Morrissey

More frustrating commute home than usual. Construction, traffic jams, very loud small child who would NOT. STOP. TALKING. Enter the audiobook of Morrissey's autobiography, read by *David* Morrissey. 😌😇 Ahhhhh.