Very quick read. Well told Western story. I heard the movie was good too—might watch to compare the book versus the movie. 🤠
Very quick read. Well told Western story. I heard the movie was good too—might watch to compare the book versus the movie. 🤠
These are the four books I selected and read for #1WordTitle for #ReadWithMrBook! 😊
Have you read any of these?!
You‘re all aMAZing with all the books you‘ve read and shared on here!!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 As always, you all leave me in awe. ☺️🤗
Thank you for participating so far!!! Don‘t forget, February‘s theme is #TearJerker.
So I have a number of different bookshelves. For this #saturdayshelfie we get my "to be read next" shelves. I am clearly behind schedule. #bookriot #readingresolutions
A true Western, honest & good pride, selfless spirit placeless man, his place called home. SW U.S. Gold Rush, Apache Indians killed for desert land. Hondo Lane, U.S. Army dispatch, meets Angie Lowe & her son Johnny. Son now warrior by Apache leader Vittoro. Hondo can't object or accept, b/c he has lived w/ Apaches. #hondo #johnwayne #western #novel #summer #summerreading #arizona #southwest #goldrush #west #louislamour #america #bookreview #review
I brought a smaller book with me today. I couldn't find the right tag though for this post. The Man Called Noon... if it's anything like Hondo, it's gonna be good.