For those of you doing the #readharderchallenge, do you think this counts as a #socialscience book? It discusses human inventions and concepts like time and toilets throughout human history. #readharder
For those of you doing the #readharderchallenge, do you think this counts as a #socialscience book? It discusses human inventions and concepts like time and toilets throughout human history. #readharder
“History is a collaborative discipline - a vast edifice of constantly changing knowledge - and it‘s constructed by countless squadrons of tireless scholars who beaver away in their own fields and then unselfishly share their findings with the rest of us. It‘s only thanks to their superhuman curiosity, diligence and talent that I was even remotely capable of scribbling this book. We‘ll, that, and a massive quantity of chocolate biscuits.”
Ok, three books left for #ArmchairAudies! I started the last book in the humor category, You Can't Touch My Hair. So far it's very promising!! I'm officially DNFing A Million Years in a Day. I've checked it out twice from the library, and can't make it past disc nine. 😕 Definitely not the winner! Starting the other two soon. 😃👍🏻📚
I just can't do a British accent right now. And British humor. Plus the book is dragging. I will come back though because it's for #ArmchairAudies I just can't force it anymore.
Can you ever just not manage to finish a book? I feel like these two are languishing in my to be finished (TBF🤣🤣🤣) pile. I guess it partly because I came in from work and lost 4 hours to sleep. Today was rough pain-wise. But that does explain this weekend's procrastination!
The Possessions is not a very good book, FYI. (Sorry if it was your BOTM - maybe you'll like it more!) And I think the British humor in AMYIAD is just falling flat. Le sigh
Medieval joke: What's the cleanest leaf in the forest?
Answer: Holly because no one dares wipe his ass on it!! 🤣🤣
This book is seriously funnier than the whole humor category!!
This book is cracking me up! This quote is about the guy who invented Daylight Savings Time. This book seriously belongs in the humor category. 🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🤦🏻♀️#ArmchairAudies
This book has so many great comedic lines like talking about how Cleopatra's needles were invented before she was "bumping uglies with Julius Caesar." Seriously!!! ????
BUT the narrator has no comedic timing, so all these jokes fall flat. I have laughed more listening to this book in the first half chapter than I did in some humor books!
I just fell asleep for 3 hours!!! That counts towards my nightly sleep right?
Going to see if I can start this one for the #ArmchairAudies and not miss #Henry's vet appointment tomorrow morning!
#nonfiction category #NonfictionChallenge17
Every once in a while I am walking through the bookshop, I spot a book and think WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS!! Spotted this one today it sounds so interesting.
Have been listening to this on audiobook. It's witty, smart and only a little bit weird that someone I went to university with has a) written a proper history book and b) read the audiobook himself. Greg is proper clever and picks out all the best tangents to go on. Great fun.