Aww, Blue and Fly. Best buds.
Another excellent installment of Fables. This one centered around the Frog Prince/Prince Ambrose/Flycatcher. He assembled a ghost army from the witching well with the help of Lancelot to create Haven in the Homelands and defeat many of the Empire‘s armies. Ghost is also introduced to the rest of his siblings, and Frau Totenkinder has even more secrets and spies up her sleeves.
#7Days7Covers #ComicCoverCrush
Day 7
A little twist on the original challenge. Post 7 comic covers that you love over 7 days, with no explanation.
This has been really fun! Consider yourself tagged - join in if you‘d like!
Time to get back to some more Fables! Volume 10 promises some nice Fly story so I am looking forward to finally seeing him shine.
"You knelt a man and a prince of the blood, but now rise a knight."
Loved this one. A minor character gets the spotlight, and it's amazing. Themes of rebirth, redemption, and a third way of peace, in a well-fleshed-out story, full of all kinds of allusions. Just overall very well done! And another title for my #sequelseptember #seriesseptember list. 😊
I'm loving the allusions in this one. Arthurian references, and more! This may be my favorite volume so far.
Here we go #sequelseptember! I finished three volumes of Fables over the weekend, and have this one and the next cued up. I may not finish the series this month, but I'll definitely make some progress.
Enjoying a nice mug of peach-apricot tea with a slice of homemade banana bread, and diving into the next volume of Fables. This is a little procrastination before I buckle down and finish class prep for tomorrow! #somethingforsept #bookanddrink #septphotochallenge