As with many cozy mysteries, it took some time to set things up, including introducing the characters and conflicts with Vera. I do like many of the characters and I love Diesel the Maine Coon cat. This is a good story.
As with many cozy mysteries, it took some time to set things up, including introducing the characters and conflicts with Vera. I do like many of the characters and I love Diesel the Maine Coon cat. This is a good story.
How much I love this series! Cozy mystery featuring a somewhat bashful male librarian and his Maine Coon cat - let‘s face it, this series is all about Diesel the cat!
When wealthy families clash, watch out! Murder just may happen at a costumed gala. Charlie is asked to investigate, and what he uncovers is some pretty damaging secrets. Nice, quick read. Exactly the type of reading my brain needed at the moment.
So I tested negative Wednesday and was able to get back into my library! Yay! I‘ve been working on updating some of my spaces to make it more fun and modern, I plan to add some words about the library to our circulation desk - I want to add Collaborate first and then have each class add their own word that they think of when they come to library. ❤️
A practically universally loathed member of the library board is killed at a charity fancy-dress party and Azalea, Charlie Harris's housekeeper, is found with the body.
Another fun outing for Charlie and Diesel and the other denizens of Athena.
It‘s so hard to get a picture of my cats together since they sadly, do not get along. So whenever I see the chance, I take what I can get. #cats #readingresolutions
Some good Monday news: Each year I have to come up with a “measurable goal” as part of my evaluation at work. Last year I kept it simple since it was my first year in the district and my goal was to increase circulation of library materials.
I just ran a bunch of reports and realized I almost doubled circulation from the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years!