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Shocked: Adventures in Bringing Back the Recently Dead | David Casarett
11 posts | 3 read | 17 to read
Not too long ago, there was no coming back from death. But now, with revolutionary medical advances, death has become just another serious complication as David Casarett shows in this compelling volume. The entire history of resuscitation, from ancient times to today, is here explored, thus revealing exactly how malleable the term 'dead' actually is.
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Some of it was really good, but to me some of it was kinda boring. Really fascinating information though.

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What, #Coale? Was it something I said? 😹 #LitsyHumor #catsofLitsy

CatLass007 😻😻😻😻😻 6y
booksandsympathy Coale is silently judging you. 😹 6y
BookBabe I can‘t handle this photo. 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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Check your email, littens. Change is a-comin‘

haileybean I‘m unsure about this :/ 7y
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Don‘t fall over, @Bookcation74 , but this is coming your way soon! #badpenpal

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I filled up my kindle somehow??? Had to delete some stuff...and still missing books that should have downloaded. What the heck?

LauraBrook You can do that? Yikes, I'd better check mine. 7y
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Wha?!?!? Only 12 books for the ENTIRE year? And the median is only 4 books for the year! I'm speechless. From a mental floss article http://m.mentalfloss.com/article.php?id=70303

alisonrose I know!! I've seen this stat before and it just baffles me. But then I have certainly met people who basically never read. Like...picking up a book and reading it for fun would not even occur to them. I do not understand. 8y
Grrlbrarian I'm not trying to be patronizing - but I feel so sorry for these people. 😫 We live in worlds and lives they'll never know. In books we are all infinite people in endless places! 8y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Grrlbrarian I was just thinking today that although I haven't traveled much lately, my books take me everywhere. Books make me a better person. 8y
Grrlbrarian @BarbaraTheBibliophage Truth for me also, especially in regard to the travel. Love too how through the lens of a book, I can try out what it's like to be anyone: good, bad, all flavors in between. 😈👿 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Grrlbrarian So true. Books have taught me about all flavors of people. That's for sure! 8y
megt It's definitely a stat that blows my mind! But at the same time I live with some non-readers/infrequent readers, so it's not the biggest surprise. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa We are really pulling the average up for America here on Litsy aren't we? But seriously, they need to stop pulling our average down! 8y
Karkar Wow that is surprising! 🤓🤓🤓 8y
wanderlustywriter @Grrlbrarian I came here to say the same thing! Those poor people ☹️ 8y
Alisnazzy This hurts my heart and soul. 8y
bookishkai This makes me sad. Four books? Twelve? I read 15 last month alone. But then, I know lots of people who would never think to read for fun, never mind for information. So I figure I'm reading their share too. In college a friend asked me once how I had the time to read books for pleasure; I told her it wasn't that I magically had the time, but that I made the time because it was important to me. 8y
Hooked_on_books @bookishkris That's exactly how I feel. Verbatim. "I don't have time to read" drives me NUTS. 8y
Lizpixie Wow. I read 12 books in ten days when I pushed it. I started my goodreadschallenge in early June of 100 books & I'm already at 77. Though I know a lot of people who never read, my hubby isn't a reader nor is most of his family, which depresses me greatly. I've pushed and bullied his mum into reading more, and his aunt carol borrows books off me but the rest can't be bothered. Most of my family read, except my youngest sister. 8y
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I really enjoyed this. The author has a unique narrative voice which made this already interesting topic both fascinating and funny. Beware the animal experimentation descriptions. They are discussed but not in more detail than is necessary, and with some contempt of the old school ways.

And now I ask, do i change my challenge on Goodreads?


ReadingEnvy I always set my challenge low to take the pressure off. 8y
haanim @ReadingEnvy I do the same 😆 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Wow! Just look at that almost done with your challenge and still 5 months to go 🎉🎉 8y
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Varshitha Wow!! This is great👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Sue @TheSpinecrackersBookClub @Varshitha Thanks!! I only read about 60 books last year so I'm pretty happy with this. @ReadingEnvy @haanim I actually started off with 50, then increased to 100. I've put it up to 150 now - still achievable I think. 8y
ReadingEnvy Then I think you should go for it! There's almost half a year left! 8y
quirkyreader One more to go and then some. I always set my goal for 100 to be on the safe side, but usually surpass it. 🐸 8y
UwannaPublishme Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
MichelleRoss Holy 🐄 that's impressive! Also, Shocked sounds like a book right up my alley! 8y
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I am laughing a lot more at this book than I was expecting given the subject matter. This guy is funny! #24in48

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This was a witty, fun & very fascinating book! I learned so much about the history & possible future of resuscitation; I absolutely must get a physical copy for multiple re-reads to commit it all to memory! I highly recommend this book, especially the audiobook, the narrator was fabulous!

Liberty Same. 😊 8y
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A couple chapters in and I am loving it! I am learning history and medicine and am being highly entertained by this doctor's conversationalist and witty writing style!

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Jus dowloaded this, it will be the next audiobook I listen to. Sounds like a fascinating and fun read!!

Sue I downloaded it too - it sounds fascinating. Yay for audible 😊 8y
callunakeep @Sue I know right! I've gotten some great reads nice and cheap through their daily deals! 8y
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