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Echoes among the Stones
Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
16 posts | 11 read | 11 to read
After Aggie Dunkirk's career is unceremoniously ended by her own mistakes, she finds herself traveling to Wisconsin, where her grandmother, Mumsie, lives alone in her rambling old home. She didn't plan for how eccentric Mumsie has become, obsessing over an old, unsolved crime scene--even going so far as to re-create it in the dollhouse. Mystery seems to follow her when she finds work as a secretary helping to restore the flooded historical part of the cemetery. Forced to work with the cemetery's puzzling, yet attractive archeologist, she exhumes the past's secrets and unwittingly uncovers a crime that some will go to any length to keep quiet--even if it means silencing Aggie. In 1946, Imogene Flannigan works in a local factory and has eyes on owning her own beauty salon. But coming home to discover her younger sister's body in the attic changes everything. Unfamiliar with the newly burgeoning world of criminal forensics and not particularly welcomed as a woman, Imogene is nonetheless determined to stay involved. As her sister's case grows cold, Imogene vows to find justice . . . even if it costs her everything.
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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First book of 2020: Echoes Among the Stones 4.5⭐️

Last book of 2020: How to Fail at Flirting 4⭐️

First book of 2021: To Dwell Among Cedars 5⭐️


Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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I love when I can laugh in the middle of a murder mystery. Jaime Jo Wright spins intriguing time slip novels.

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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My 4th of July weekend read! The dual narrative transitioned seamlessly and the mystery kept me from predicting the end. Also, Collin is the epitome of the dark academia aesthetic, which made me laugh (in a good way). Picked it up because of the cover and I‘m glad I did!

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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Got my work schedule last night ~ I'm not working so now I'm signed up to see Jaime Jo Wright!!!

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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The mystery part of this book was good. I didn‘t know who the murderer was until it was revealed. I liked the 2 different timelines and the pace that the information was shared. However, I thought this book could be a little shorter. I get her hair is black/straight and she‘s going to tuck it behind her ear. I get that Collin‘s hair is red. Didn‘t realize this was classified as Christian fiction. A lot of god talk. And how could god allow that👇🏻

Laughterhp I‘m not a religious person, so I don‘t care for all the god talk. It annoys me, so that hampered my experience with this book. There was a lot of dealing with grief talk, which I did like. I probably wouldn‘t have picked up this book if I realized it was categorized as Christian fiction. #24B4Monday 1:18:26 5y
Hooked_on_books The Christian thing would drive me crazy, too. Though I occasionally discover that rock stations I come across on the radio and like the sound of are Christian when I notice the lyrics. Makes me laugh every time! I do like the cover of this one. 5y
night_shift Yeah, I get annoyed with sneaky Christian fiction.. where there's no indication outside and the first few chapters and then bam with the Christian hammer. I'm not religious either and have bailed on books that tried to pull that. 5y
Laughterhp @UnidragonFrag It didn‘t start happening until halfway through, so I skimmed the sections that talked about it. And was definitely surprised when they kept popping up! It wasn‘t until later I checked Goodreads and saw it‘s classification 😬 5y
Laughterhp @Hooked_on_books That‘s why my husband says he doesn‘t like Christmas music, because it‘s all religious! (Even though it‘s not). Your Christian radio songs made me think of that 😂 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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The hubby is sick this weekend (had a fever last night and a slight fever this morning). So I‘m taking care of him and in between reading.

Of course because I have a free weekend to read I can‘t settle on a book! Not sure what I‘m in the mood for. I‘m going to read a chapter of each book and see which one sticks.

I feel like I could for a mystery or a fantasy. I just need a break from any book about any war!

#SaturdayReads #LazySaturday

LiteraryinPA Hope he feels better (and you don‘t catch it). Enjoy your newfound reading time! 5y
Laughterhp @LiteraryinLititz Thanks! I like to think we have a pretty good system to not getting each other sick! 5y
Butterfinger Don't read Fountains. 5y
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Laughterhp @Butterfinger Okay, good to know! 5y
revenge4porgy Whatever you do, Don‘t read 1984 or Anne Frank 5y
Laughterhp @revenge4porgy I read both those in high school. All my books this year have either had WWI, WWII or the Civil War in them. I just need a break from the death. 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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Kicking off #JumpStart2020 with this audiobook.

I don‘t have a specific goal for the readathon. I‘m just going to read and see what happens. (I don‘t start school again until the 13th, so spoiler alert: I‘m going to read A LOT.)

Lizpixie Welcome aboard!🙌 5y
Princess-Kingofkings This is on my TBR list! 5y
Clwojick Woohoo! Can‘t wait to see your reviews!! ♥️♥️🙌🏻 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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Beach-walking this morning with this audiobook. 😍

rockpools Well that looks very lovely! 5y
UwannaPublishme Gorgeous! 😍 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright

Another thought-provoking and incredibly well-written split-time novel by Jaime Jo Wright! This book really delves into the process of grieving and the consequences of unresolved and unprocessed grief. It‘s emotional, raw, and quite relatable. If you enjoy split-time novels that unearth resolution to cold cases, you will absolutely love this book.

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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright

I can‘t even begin to tell you how good this book is!

Echoes Among the Stones is a time-slip novel and the past blended so perfectly with the present, it never felt like I was reading two stories that might have a connection.

It‘s haunting and heartbreaking.

It‘s a book you simply must read.

* FULL REVIEW at: jengalaxy4.wordpress.com *

I received a complimentary copy of this book. A positive review was not required. Opinions are my own.

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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Jaime Jo Wright has an amazing ability to write thrilling split-time fiction! In Echoes among the Stones, she weaves a 1946 murder into a modern-day cemetery mystery. Captivating from the first page, I raced through it wanting to know who killed Imogen‘s sister, Hazel and why and equally wanting to know how it would relate to the modern day story.

All in all, another stellar read, one not to be missed!

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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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“After Aggie Dunkirk's career is unceremoniously ended by her own mistakes, she finds herself traveling to Wisconsin, where her grandmother, Mumsie, lives alone in her rambling old home. She didn't plan for how eccentric Mumsie has become, obsessing over an old, unsolved crime scene--even going so far as to re-create it in the dollhouse.”

Ladyval05 That sounds like it will be good! 5y
Tamra That does sound fun! 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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I love suspense and unpredictability. This book has it. Split time novel involving a grandmother and her granddaughter and how they work through resolution of an unsolved murder and the grief with which they struggled.

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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Just a friendly reminder that this beauty releases on December 3 (whaaaat??? 😱) And, y'all, I know it's gonna be good!

hes7 So excited! 5y
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Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright

When she finds work as a secretary helping to restore the flooded historical part of the Cemetery, Mystery seems to follow her. She ends up having to work with the cemetery‘s puzzling but attractive archaeologist and she ends up exhuming secrets from the past and accidentally ends up uncovering a crime that some will stop at nothing to keep hidden, even if it means silencing Aggie for good.

Echoes among the Stones | Jaime Jo Wright
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When she finds work as a secretary helping to restore the flooded historical part of the Cemetery, Mystery seems to follow her. She ends up having to work with the cemetery‘s puzzling but attractive archaeologist and she ends up exhuming secrets from the past and accidentally ends up uncovering a crime that some will stop at nothing to keep hidden, even if it means silencing Aggie for good.