I cannot comprehend how I used to read the whole trilogy in about a week, but hey, here I am at the end of the second book again. I love how much there is to get your teeth into.
I cannot comprehend how I used to read the whole trilogy in about a week, but hey, here I am at the end of the second book again. I love how much there is to get your teeth into.
I have forgotten a SHOCKING number of details from this book, which I thought I knew so well.
Also, nearly at the end now. Each book of this trilogy could be a trilogy.
Ah, it's good to be back in Terre d'Ange. I have a great deal of sympathy for Joscelin AND I want to shake him SO HARD for being so rubbish at expressing feelings other than outrage or adoration. Where's Hyacinthe when you need him? ...oh yeah. Damn.
My week one thoughts: https://onemore.org/2021/02/11/read-along-kushiels-chosen-week-one/
Rereading for a readalong! But am I ready for Joscelin to wring my heart again?
Time to indulge and #ReadAsThouWilt - our second Kushiel read-along starts this weekend and I need to get ahead to set the discussions up 💖
Epic fantasy set in a fictional version of medieval Europe and thick (900 pages or so) with political intrigue. I love Carey's world-building that reads a bit like historical fiction., but there are too many asides describing the “specialness“ of Phedre. Not erotica but it does contain some heavy BDSM-type imagery related to Phedre's religion. All in all it's a nice escape. 3.5 stars.
Ah the angst! Loved and hated that aspect.
I didn't have a lot of patience with the spiritual aspects the first time I read this as a teen. I just wanted the lovers reunited. But this time I got far more out of this. It may be my least favorite of the trilogy but I still loved rereading it.
#riotgram #favoritevillain
My favorite Villain is Melisande Shahrizai, incredibly devious, smart, scheming, and almost completely irresistible. Good thing Phedre is strong, I'm not sure how many times I could come up against my Gods given match and walk away!
(Image from Pinterest, model: Segovia Amil)
I really want her to save Terre d'Ange from Melisande. Come on Phèdre, you can do it!!
About 3/4 of the way through.
My favorite female character is Phedre no Delaunay of the Kushiel series. Strong, smart, and entirely unique in the world.
"All that yields is not weak."
#Augustofpages #Favefemalecharacters