Jo & Laurie was such a magnificent book that I could only follow it with a book by the same author! #thingsincommon
Jo & Laurie was such a magnificent book that I could only follow it with a book by the same author! #thingsincommon
I *really* wanted to love this book, but it just didn‘t do it for me, even though it wasn‘t horrible. Little Women has been one of my favorite books since I first read it around 8 years, and of course I shipped Jo and Laurie together. So I thought I would at least like this for the romance, but I was really underwhelmed. Very chaste YA romance that did not provide the Jo/Laurie relationship I would have loved to see in a more interesting take.
I have mixed feelings about this book.It was a nice read but was a drag at times. I enjoyed Jo's turmoil between love and never getting married, apart from it felt like any other romantic novel. I have not read Little Women, which this book is an extension of, so can't really say how it fares with the source material. I don't read romantic books so maybe that's why i didn't enjoy it as much.
A little context: this is a conversation between two kids, a boy and a girl. The setting is 1868.
I believe that such Thinking has changed but we still have a long way to go!!!
As the mom of four kids I really enjoyed the relationship between the sisters in Little Women. I wish there was a Mrs. Marsh book on how to raise children who get along so well. Sort of makes me wonder if our modern world does more to separate us than bring us together. Sigh Jo & Laurie was so sweet. I cried but I loved it. It hit in all the feels. #classics #littlewomen #sisters #siblings
I should go to bed. But I really just want to keep reading #justonemorepage #justonemorechapter #whoamikidding #untilifallasleep
I got this special edition book with alternate cover, book based bookmark and this is my first ever signed book 🎉🎉🎊🎉
I'm a fan of Little Women, and although I didn't love this book, I still enjoyed it. This look into Jo as she struggles to finish her sequel, but also feels pressure to protect and care for her family was a great blend of Alcott's fictional world and her real life.
It was a perfect read to escape for a day. 💙
Many many moons ago, long before the term of "shipping" was applied to characters millions of young girls fell in love with Jo and Laurie from Louisa May Alcott's beloved Little Women. And millions of us were devastated when Jo ended up with Professor Bhaer. As I grew older I begrudgingly began to admit that Bhaer wasn't a bad choice but he just wasn't my choice, just as Laurie wasn't Alcott's. This book is the ending that never was.
I really liked this book. I only read Little Women last year and I loved the characters of Jo & Laurie. This was a great story!
"Just Because My Dreams Are Different Than Yours, It Doesn‘t Mean They‘re Unimportant." - Little Women (2020 movie)
I loved loved loved this book. Set between the first and second half of little women. It suggests a world where jo is trying to write the second half of the book before it happens to her. Meanwhile, she changed some thing in her real life in the first half.
Just got this in the mail today! Can‘t wait to read it.😁📖📚 #littlewomen #louisamayalcott
If you need more toxic internet drama in your life, pop over to Goodreads for the nasty reviews of this book by people who never read it, but are self-appointed defenders of the canon and Alcott.
I‘m in the minority: I didn‘t like the way things shook out in LW (I read it as an adult).
This is well-written and feels very Alcott. To the point that I was annoyed by some of the same stuff. The difference? This has the ending I wanted.
I feel bad for this book: it has unfortunate ratings. It was an “I didn‘t love it but I enjoyed it decently enough” book for me.
It‘s a blend between the book Little Women and the author‘s life. It takes place after LW was published and about the pressures of Jo writing the second book (which is combined with LW as one in modern times). It was interesting. I wish I connected more with the characters, but I liked the storyline.
Honestly the ending felt very rushed. I wish the authors had spent more time on Jo and Laurie building a true partnership with each other as opposed to everything just conveniently falling into place. As two characters I adore, I felt they deserved that.
I have no desire to read this book, but I know it's on a lot of people's TBR.
June 2, 2020
#CoverLove #YAedition
Mondays can make you blue - I know - but I always find them a bit more bearable these days because the new BookishFirst giveaways go live! I look forward to checking them out every Monday!
I know I mention this site a lot but it truly baffles me that more people aren‘t a part of it. It‘s free and you can win books. There is nothing to lose!
This week there is only one giveaway and it‘s perfect
Continued ⬇️
And in other bookish news today...
Will Jo and Laurie end up together, says the blurb, or is it just not meant to be?!?
Book is out this June.
I don‘t love Little Women (shhh, don‘t tell anyone) but I might read this. After all, doesn‘t everyone want to know the answer to that question?
More information, plus a brief except I believe, in Bustle.