This is the story of Twilight Company an army of Rebel fighters. Governor Chalis surrenders to them for protection against the Empire. But the Empire pursuits them and the battle comes to a head on Sullest.
This is the story of Twilight Company an army of Rebel fighters. Governor Chalis surrenders to them for protection against the Empire. But the Empire pursuits them and the battle comes to a head on Sullest.
I have to go with my #StarWarsBuddyRead group here, it was good, but not great. My favorite part was seeing these characters in the background during the battle of Hoth, otherwise the story & plot weren‘t bad persay, but where it could have been great, but fell flat, was all the build up of certain characters & relationships, that just never went anywhere because (I‘m guessing) these were characters they just weren‘t planning on revisiting.
Read this with the #StarWarsBuddyRead. It was fine plot-wise, but the characters were so just nothing. So many named characters die, and there are funerals, but there is almost no emotion attached, which I just found weird. I'm marking it a so-so... If you are reading all of the Star Wars canon, it won't be a total slog, but there are so many other good ones out there to read first.
Following along with the #starwarsbuddyread, and I'm about halfway through this. I agree with what others say- this feels hollow. The main character is such a mannequin, I have only the vaguest sense of his motivations and he has almost no personality. These traits are great with a vg mc- the player could easily project themselves onto this blank canvas- sadly, that doesn't work as well for books. HOWEVER, the writing is decent, so I'll finish.
And finished! My opinion hasn't changed on it really. I feel bad for the author as he clearly has skill but for stuck with a story that was based on a game without much of a story at all. If you like military sci-fi that is straightforward then this is one to check out, however it just wasn't for me overall. 🌟🌟
I desperately want to enjoy this one, but I am largely indifferent to it. Inferno Squad was such a cool read, but this one is just so...unimaginative. The writing is good and he can set scene, but each new development feels a lot like the previous developments.I have about 3 hours left on the audio and I am eager to finish so I can cross it off and move on to Bloodline!! ♥
#Starwarsbuddyread How are you doing @Riveted_Reader_Melissa ?
Starting this audiobook today.
*sigh* This is sadly going exactly as I expected it to go. The writing is perfectly fine, however it feels like the video game felt...empty. This was meant to be the story that the video game did not have, and honestly there hasn't been a ton that is really driving me forward. It's just sort of forgettable.
Confession time: I dislike war/soldiers fiction
...I have tried to read this one before and sort of just forgot I was reading it. I didn't get in very far though, so it's not a reflection on the entire book just my brains inability to focus.
Hoping that the whole Star Wars angle makes this more interesting.
#Maythe4thbewithyou ! Today @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and I start our #Starwarsbuddyread!
Please feel free to join in on the fun! Next month's read will be Bloodlines by Claudia Gray.
May the 4th Be With You!
Starting today.... #StarWarsBuddyRead
Join @InLibrisVeritas and myself as we begin the Star Wars new Canon Buddy Read!
Just a reminder that the #starwarsbuddyread starts May 4th, with the book Battlefront: Twilight Company! Anyone is welcome to join @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and I as we tackle the new Canon.
For those who would like plan ahead our June read will be Bloodlines by Claudia Gray!
Just a reminder...#StarWarsBuddyRead starting later this week with Twilight Company, next month for those of you planning ahead will be Bloodline (one of my personal favorites of the new cannon)!
Ok fellow Littens, I‘m calling on you for your help again. Yesterday I asked about Superhero graphic novels and good reads, today it is Star Wars. There are soooo many different Star Wars books. Do you have to read them in order to understand what is going on? What are the best and your most favorite Stat Wars books? I know we have some Star Wars lovers around here!!!
@Riveted_Reader_Melissa and I will be tackling our Star Wars backlist in May, and we would love for others to join us! We will be starting with the oldest book on our TBR and working our way based on publication order. If you would like to join just let one of us know, and I will make note so I can tag you when we get started on May the 4th!
#starwarsbuddyread #readalong #buddyread
@InLibrisVeritas and myself were discussing the large amount of new Star Wars Canon we are behind on and starting in May we will be picking one book a month from our backlog to read, starting with the oldest. Feel free to join us for any you haven‘t read yet, or would like to re-read.
We will start in May with Twilight Company!
Dust off your book or put it on hold at the library now. 😉
I‘ve been in a Star Wars reading mood lately. ;) This book is set around the time of Empire Strikes Back and follows a band of Rebel soldiers. It has a similar feel to Rogue One in that it‘s more about the everyday soldiers of the Rebellion than the Force or Jedi. I enjoyed the perspective of main character Namir, who is different than the idealistic Rebels we‘re used to seeing and is a more of a jaded, battle-weary soldier.
The line between the good guys and the bad guys isn‘t always a clear one.
The men and women of Twilight Company fight for the Rebel Alliance, as a whole; but their individual reasons for being there are as varied as their species. Regardless of individual reasons, their loyalty is only to one another and their common goal is simply to live another day.
Whether or not you‘re a Star Wars fan, this is a #WorthyRead
For a book based on a video game based on a movie, Star Wars: Battlefront - Twilight Company was surprisingly solid, though not the perfect 10 reviews lead me to believe it might be.
Military SF with well-developed characters, and cameos by Han Solo, Vader, and Nien Nunb. Good but not great, with one aggravating dangling plot line.
The last quarter was better than the rest which was a nice change. Been reading lots of weak endings lately.
"At least it wasn't another Leia."
Books based on preexisting properties are usually solid, unremarkable affairs due to the fact that they just can't change your favorite characters too much. They can be good, but are rarely great.
This book, Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company, is based on a video game based on the movies, so that's 2 strikes against it.
Still, every word I've read about it has been positive and it's good fun so far.
I enjoyed this but wasn't blown away the way it seems that others were.