Check out Meredith‘s book recommendation on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday here: https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-the-gulag-archipelago-191...
Check out Meredith‘s book recommendation on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday here: https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-the-gulag-archipelago-191...
Vols1-2. L”...if you live in a graveyard, you can‘t weep for everyone.” And yet Solzhenitsyn does his best to honor those lost to the Gulag Archipelago and the political stupidity of a Russia run by a psychopath. Much of this recounting was numbing but some of it was quite touching and flashes of rhetorical brilliance highlighted a great bitterness.
Now how am I supposed to read about Russian gulags when my assistant lays across my book?
An interesting read, if not a bit slow at times. The story might drag on quite a bit but I believe reading this book is important. Even if you don‘t have a great interest in Russian literature, this autobiography is an important part of history as a whole. The author suffered, and lived through a horrendous situation. He wrote this book to tell the stories of those who never had a chance to tell their own. I would definitely recommend.
#MarchIntoOz Day 26: These books clearly seem like a #WeveGottaGetOutOfThisPlace moment - at all costs! Part of my book loot from my librarian friend leaving Singapore in a few months.
At its height 10 per cent of the population of the Soviet Union were in the forced labour system. Thanks to this Nobel Laureate and the risks he took to collect huge amounts of first hand evidence we learnt the truth.
The gulag system died with the Soviet state. Today about one third of the world's population live in fear of death by their government.
#setonisland (not an actual island) #marchinbooks @maich
If you're having trouble falling asleep, might I suggest the tagged book? Someday I'll finish it. Maybe.
#insomniacread #autumnreads
Asked my husband for a book idea for @Cinfhen 's prompt for #Junetunz , and he came up with this one. Chronicles the terrible plight of the working prisoners in Soviet labor camps from 1918-1956. #mandown
#retrocoverfun #riotgrams
This set was the first thing to pop into my mind when I read #backintheussr. Someday I'll finish all three volumes. #rockinmay
The horrors of the network of Soviet prison camps, laid bare in the Gulag Archipelago, provide a terrifying insight into the dreadful autocratic communism
during the Soviet era. Solzhenitsyn's masterwork is a must read for all. There were times I had to put down the book after reading some particularly grim scenes. I cannot stress how impactful this work is #russianlit #solzhenitsyn #gulag #booksandsocks
I'm continually having to put the book down and exclaim "this is all so FUCKED UP!!"
"..an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! 9 minutes! 10! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but he dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, (they) were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell.."
On this day in 1974, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was deported from the Soviet Union to West Germany after the release of the Gulag Archipelago. No better time to start reading one of the most impactful books of the 20th Century #russianlit #russianliterature #solzhenitsyn
#Shelfie #riotgrams I know this shelf doesn't look too good at the moment but I need to move some stuff around to get them as perfect as I can 😏 and the thing next to the bat on top of my Voldemort pop vinyl is the wand for the Wonderbook PS3 game.
This is one of the bookcases in my living room and probably one of the tidiest in my entire house. No photos of the bedroom book cases allowed! 😂😂😂😳😳#FunFridayPhoto
I imagine this is pretty dense in Russian. It's definitely a slow, dry read in translation, but still really interesting. #translatedbooks #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading