Family hair cuts and because no one wanted hair cuts, a trip to our independent books store, Newtown Books! #haircutsandbook
I got roped into driving my mom to get her hair done. At least this gives me a couple hours of uninterrupted reading time.
The haircut is just fine, but upon popular request, my hair before and after.
I didn't get a bad haircut, per se, but it did entail an hour in the chair with a stylist who was so. Very. Slow. I said nothing because she was wielding scissors. I wish I'd brought a book! #icanteven #patience
So today I woke up on the crazy side of the bed and thought I could cut my boys' hair. Boy 1 was decent and I should've stopped while I was ahead. Nooo. I had to do boy 2. I didn't intend to shave his head but there was no saving it. I feel so bad. I can't even. I'm going to buy LOTS of beanies. 😱😔😥
Interesting and enjoyable stories of the 70s. I like his writing style and will read him again!
If you're from Jersey and if you grew up in the 70s, must read. Even if you aren't and haven't, this is an interesting read! My reactions are quite loud to this book..ay,yi,yi!! Oh no!s and life lessons abound.