I must admit I would never date a guy who didn't have a stable job again either.
I must admit I would never date a guy who didn't have a stable job again either.
26 Women Telling The Truth for today‘s #NovemberByTheNumbers. Has anyone read this one? Good?
Still making my way through this one. Goal is to finish it before 2017! 🌲Tonight we have a holiday party with our closest friends and a white elephant gift exchange. Considering what a good bookish funny gift would be that I already have on hand. Hmmmm. Anyway, TWIN CITIES LITTENS, please drive safe in the blizzard tonight!! ❄️💨🌨☃️🌬
Remember those nice things I said about my daughter yesterday? Well, today I'm tempted to make my #recommendsday not to have children. 😉 The middle school years sure are a roller coaster. After sending them to bed tonight, I'm going to lose myself but good in a book!
I post this about my daughter with all respect. My post about Scarlett, Lisbeth, & RBF reminded me of this picture of her two years ago. She gives me a run for my money, but she's spunky, self-confident, & doesn't take any sh*t from anyone. She's the opposite of accommodating, pleaser, conflict avoidant me. I may sometimes wish she'd hurry & grow up, but I want to be her when I grow up. I need to remember that when she next pisses me off. 😘😘😝
|| Grapefruit hibiscus kombucha, coloring, and caring about the "trials and tribulations of our work and relationships, children, homes and sex lives." This is not an angry book but a book to show we women are not alone in our frustrations and joys. Loving this Duluth, Minnesota vacation and the Snooty Fox Tea Shop! ?