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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand, Volume 1
Brandon Sanderson's White Sand, Volume 1 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
8 posts | 32 read | 9 to read
A brand new saga of magic and adventure by #1 New York Times best-selling author Brandon Sanderson. On the planet of Taldain, the legendary Sand Masters harness arcane powers to manipulate sand in spectacular ways. But when they are slaughtered in a sinister conspiracy, the weakest of their number, Kenton, believes himself to be the only survivor. With enemies closing in on all sides, Kenton forges an unlikely partnership with Khriss -- a mysterious Darksider who hides secrets of her own. White Sand brings to life a crucial, unpublished part of Brandon Sanderson s sprawling Cosmere universe. The story has been adapted by Rik Hoskin (Mercy Thompson), with art by Julius Gopez and colors by Ross Campbell. Employing powerful imagery and Sanderson s celebrated approach to magical systems, White Sand is a spectacular new saga for lovers of fantasy and adventure."
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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 1mo
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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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This shows quite a bit of potential.
But honestly I knew it would, everything “Sanderson” turns into favorites of mine.
As always the magic system is brilliant, the characters are mysteriously vain and the story grabs hold and don‘t let go. The only thing I‘m not totally convinced about is the art, but I believe it will grow on me.
I can‘t wait to get my hands on the next Volume!

Brandon Sanderson's White Sand | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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A great dramatized Audiobook!

Brandon Sanderson's White Sand Vol. 1 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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Maybe my hopes were too high for Sanderson‘s first graphic contribution to his Cosmere mythos, but something about this just didn‘t work.

In comic form, Sanderson‘s usually masterful worldbuilding ended up as endless pages of characters just standing & expositioning (see above), with lots of opaque politics & very little character work. The first couple chapters were action packed, but the hyper detailed art made fight scenes look like mush.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk The panel structure tries to be artsy but was often confusing (also see above) and some editorial snafu lead to 2 characters having their names switched back and forth. This just felt messy, but I‘ll finish the trilogy for Cosmere completion‘s sake. 4y
xicanti I‘ve shied away from this one because I suspect I‘ll feel the same as you about it. The sample included in ARCANUM UNBOUND didn‘t wow me. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @xicanti Yeah, I think the change in formats required jettisoning a lot of what makes Sanderson‘s prose special. 4y
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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand Vol. 1 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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Yet another cool form of magic from Sanderson! 👏🏻👏🏻

Brandon Sanderson's White Sand | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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So I took quick break from reading novels to read a few Graphic novels and White Sand was one of them. There are currently 2 volumes out.
I give it a so-so because the story is at most kind of lack luster and while it does jump straight into the story it kind of leaves information out and gets boring at times. I love the idea of Sand Mages and the art is what really caught my eye. I‘ll keep reading it though and see what happens.

Brandon Sanderson's White Sand | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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And now comes the agonizing wait for the next volume... But please note: I am keeping my water handy. ;) #readinglog #fantasy #graphicnovel

Brandon Sanderson's White Sand, Volume 1 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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Didn't blow me away. Nice art. Interesting world and characters with a classic #brandonsanderson #magicsystem I'm curious to see where the next volume goes. Pokes a bit of fun at #anthropology Recommend a strong #borrow on this one. #fantasy

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