A new romance to start....
Exactly 1 year ago today I joined Litsy and made my first post 😍😍😍😍
The green-eyed monster is making our protagonist petty. 😂
Some library books that are all on my ever-growing TBR I know you can't see all the titles but my main point was to get Nikie ( brown) Taz (grey) and Ozzie ( b&w) all in one pic. No, I still haven't finished Nimona or Furiously Happy or even started Bernadette yet, but I was able to renew them all and with all my depression and anxiety issues my concentration is shot. My cats and my bed, and my mom and my boyfriend and you guys comfort me ❤️thanks
I literally had my breath taken away today as I was *this* close to the dancers at the amazing ballet The Dreamers Never Leave You by the National Ballet. I can't adequately put into words the way I responded to the depth of emotion - the loneliness and longing - conveyed by the dancers.
While it meant limited reading time today, I came home to find this book as one of the first Litsy updates in my feed and immediately added it to my TBR.
Afternoon reading. 🌟
If you like Melissa Brayden's books, then I definitely suggest you read First Position. Among one of my favourite books by this author.
Natalie's personality is infectious meanwhile you grow to love the complex personality of Anastasia.