Looking forward to reading this new ARC! #ww2 #history #catsoflitsy
Looking forward to reading this new ARC! #ww2 #history #catsoflitsy
This is a brilliant book so far! Highly recommended! Stachie the Cow Cat agrees! #catsoflitsy #ww2 #booksaboutbooks
Minnie is "helping" me read this ARC on Guadalcanal #catsoflitsy #kittenlitten #ww2 #militaryhistory
This book was an eye-opening look at the segregation in the US military mostly during #WW2 and through to Truman's executive order in 1948 ordering formal desegregation. Did you know the Red Cross segregated blood donation and even turned away Black donors in the middle of the war? Fascinating stuff. (Minnie insisted on being in the snap!) #CivilRights #USHistory #WWII #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
Just got this ARC in the mail from Da Capo Press. I am looking forward to reading and reviewing this one! #WW2 #NavalHistory
Kitty is ready to help me read this awesome new release from Gillian Mawson from the UK who is an authority on child evacuees in wartime Britain. This was just released in the US and mine arrived today! #CatsOfLitsy #LittenKitten #WW2 #2017Release #History
It starts a little slow as the back story of the secret services focuses mostly on the men who led them. However once it gets into the tales of the women who bravely took on these roles, despite having children back home, despite the inherent difficulties with being taken seriously, it turns into a really fascinating book. This was released this year and is worth a read! #ww2 #wwii #herstory #espionage #2017Release #recommendsday
I was unable to put this book down. The reader is thrust into the story of an American bomber crew and then taken on an unexpected journey into another world. Part detailed history, part science fiction, it is a refreshing exploration of the impact of history on individuals and individuals upon history. If you like #WW2 aviation, #historicalfiction and/or #sciencefiction you will love this book! Out June 2017!
This book started off a little slow as the narrative takes a bit to come together. However once it does the unknown parts of the event make for an interesting read. It is very much written in the form of a screenplay and is best read while imagining the story told that way. Overall it gets high marks for looking at a long forgotten but important event in spite of any flaws in the writing. It's also a very quick read 3.5-4 stars #WW2 #BlackHistory
A brilliant look from a primary participant of the year 1940. The main takeaway is the amazing resistance of Churchill and the British people as they faced down the Nazi war machine. Recommended!
A sobering, enlightening read from one of the last few survivors of the Arizona that was bombed the morning of December 7, 1941. Told in a easily readable way, even when it veers into the chronological review of the events, it's an important and timely remembrance of those young men who gave the ultimate sacrifice 75 years ago. Definitely a top #WW2 book of 2016. #History #75thAnniversary #PearlHarbor
Just had to share these lovely new arrivals from EBay dating to when Easton Press printed a military history series #WW2 #History #EastonPress #LeatherBoundBeauties
How prostitutes helped the men wounded in the midst of the chaos at #PearlHarbor. I never knew this! #WW2 #WWII
This is a fantastic book so far. Very fast-paced and fascinating storytelling from a USS Arizona survivor from Pearl Harbor. Also an important read as we just remembered the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor a few weeks back. #WW2 #History #75thAnniversary
Next up - Volume 2 of Churchill's "The Second World War" #WW2 #History #WWII #Churchill #CurrentlyReading
The first volume in Churchill's "The Second World War" is a relevant and compelling read which lays bare the failure of the democracies to stop the Nazi menace in advance of the war. While at times Winston's attention to detail in government affairs can be a bit dry, the action packed naval encounters make for an enjoyable read. Highly recommended to any student of history (and curious felines) #WW2 #Churchill #CatsOfLitsy
Reading about the Soviet invasion of Finland in 1939 with snow on the ground outside and a sleeping kitty in my lap. #perfectSunday #ww2 #catsoflitsy
Kitty knows Churchill is interesting but would like some attention right now please #WW2 #History #Churchill #CatsOfLitsy
I've just started reading Churchill's Second World War volumes. He begins with the lead up to #WW2 in this book "The Gathering Storm". Interestingly he won the Pulitzer Prize in Literature for this work which was as controversial at the time at Bob Dylan winning it this year! Incidentally the prize sits in the Churchill Museum in the Churchill War Rooms in #London if you ever get a chance to visit. #Churchill #BritishHistory @hmhbooks
Amazingly this is the only book written specifically about Missy LeHand who was FDR's de facto Chief of Staff. It is an enlightening and enjoyable read about a highly intelligent political woman who was irreplaceable in the FDR administration. If for nothing more than the fact that it is the first of its kind about someone who we should know much more about it is worth your time. #WW2 #Herstory #USHistory @TouchstoneBooks
Today I read in this book that in the 1930s they only started campaigning for president after Labor Day the same year the election took place! Can you imagine? I suspect many would like to return to the practice of short campaigns! #Election2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this new offering by Susan Quinn. Though the correspondence between Lorena "Hick" Hickok and Eleanor Roosevelt has been published previously, Quinn succeeds in providing a fuller backstory & additional context to the intimate relationship between these two complex, nontraditional firebrands who occupied the White House during very tumultuous years and remained friends for life. 5 stars #CatsOfLitsy #History @Penguinpress
Halfway through the book. Kitty is very glad I am home this week! #catsoflitsy @Penguinpress
Eleanor Roosevelt's favorite picture of Lorena "Hick" Hickok from 1932. This book is fantastic so far! @Penguinpress #ww2
Reading some great books! #womenshistory #ww2 #presidentialhistory #whitehouse @Penguinpress @TouchstoneBooks @penguinrandomhouse
If you want to be transported to a life and death struggle on the snowy, unforgiving Vidda with a ragtag band of Norwegian resistance members as they try to stop Nazi production of a crucial element for the making of The Bomb then this is a read for you. Bascomb keeps this nonfiction story moving with all of the action of a great thriller. Highly recommended (Pistachio also approves!) #WW2 #Norway #Action #CatsofLitsy @hmhbooks
A drizzly Sunday morning in this sleepy Delaware River town and I am cozy with my book and coffee! #booktober #coffee @hmhbooks
Reading this new offering from Neal Bascomb while heading into work with my homemade pumpkin spice coffee #commuting #pumpkinspice #WW2 @hmhbooks
You can't go wrong with a Churchill book! #Churchill #WW2
I've been looking for this one for a while and the price was right at the used bookstore! #FDR #WW2 #MilitaryHistory
Another one to add to the to read pile looking at a very dark period on the #homefront in #WW2 #JapaneseAmerican #Internment
This is the 2nd of Nigel Hamilton's books on FDR. It looks at 1943 - the year of many conferences between the world leaders. As such it looks in depth at the relationship between FDR & Churchill. While Hamilton undoubtedly serves to correct narratives that saw FDR as a more passive player, he does so at the expense of Churchill. FDR is seen as the mastermind while Churchill takes credit. The 1st book "Mantle of Command" is better. #Churchill #FDR
With a title like that you'd expect more drama and narrative - even for a nonfiction book. Unfortunately this latest offering by Duffy doesn't live up to the title. What should have been and is a fascinating tale ends up too often being turgid and overly descriptive. Lots of fact are contained in the book to be sure but you should check out Arthur Herman's new biography of MacArthur or Borneman's "MacArthur at War" for a better story. #WW2
Just picked up the new offering from Lloyd Clark that was released last week. Minnie isn't so sure about the minimalist cover but I tell her to try not to judge 😏 #WW2 #1940 #catsoflitsy #booksandcats #catsandbooks
Looking forward to read this new book by Matthew Dallek #FDR #EleanorRoosevelt #LaGuardia #WW2
This was another pretty great MacArthur book covering his #WW2 time only and much more critical than the Arthur Herman biography #septphotochallenge #mapsinbooks @LittleBrownBooks