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The Lonely Hearts Club
The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
13 posts | 17 read | 6 to read
Penny is sick of boys and sick of dating, so she vows: No more. She's had one too many bad dates, and has been hurt by one too many bad boys.It's a personal choice... and, of course, soon everyone wants to know about it. It's about much more than romance gone awry--it's also about the way girls bend over backward to get guys, and how they end up prioritizing boyfriends over real friends. Penny thinks she might be crazy for saying these things--but soon a few other girls are inspired, and a movement is born.Girls are soon thronging to The Lonely Hearts Club (named after the Sgt. Pepper's band) and Penny finds herself near legendary for her nondating ways--which is too bad, since the leader of The Lonely Hearts Club has found a certain boy she can't help but like...
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg

I‘m a huge Beatles fan so when I saw the cover of the book I knew I had to read it. It was very cute, fun, and refreshing.

The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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Cinfhen Love this!!! And that cover is fantastic 😍 have u read the book??? I‘m almost tempted...but my irrational dislike of YA is holding me back 5y
emilyhaldi I find my dislike of YA to be quite rational actually @Cinfhen 😆 5y
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Christinak @Cinfhen My daughter has read it - I haven‘t yet. I bought it because of the cover (and my daughter is a Beatles fan) 5y
That-Bookish-Hiker This book is so cute! I read it a few years back and loved it but I am a huge Beatles fan. 5y
Mdargusch Such a YA hater @emilyhaldi 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘m ashamed to say I didn‘t get the Beatles reference on the cover at first. 😆 5y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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😱 Thank you so much!!! @AmberWB You definitely spoiled me and nailed everything i love! Look at the sloth booksleeve!!! And sloth tape!! And unicorn tabs!! I love it all! The coffee and puzzle are going to be my weekend plans for sure! Thank you so much!!!! 🥰

ephemeralwaltz How lovely!!! 6y
Soubhiville Sloths! 6y
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AmberWB You were a lot of fun to shop for! 😊😊 6y
CouronneDhiver She is seriously amazing at swaps! Way to go @AmberWB 🙌🏽🙌🏽 6y
AmberWB 😊😊Thanks @CouronneDhiver !! 6y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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Its here!!!! @AmberWB ❤️ Thank you and i cant wait to open it!! #lonelyheartsclubswap

JoScho @amberwb is a great Swap partner ❤️ 6y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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Two more days to sign up for the #lonelyheartsclubswap

Open to everyone!

Spread the word!!! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings


GA_Bookworm07 I've yet to receive anything yet 6y
bookish_wookish What do you mean? @bookworm07 6y
GA_Bookworm07 I sent my match her gift but havent gotten anything from my match yet 6y
bookish_wookish No worries, theres still 14 days until opening day! I know a lot of people are mailing this weekend! @bookworm07 6y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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Dont forget sign up are open for my #lonelyheartsclubswap

Its all about friendship and littenhood! 💝

Please repost and share! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings

Sign ups will close Jan. 18th.

This is open to everyone! (it will ask if you want to ship internationally)


Avanders Hey lady — I‘m just seeing this ... it‘s better to tag the users @LitsySwaps and @LitsyHappenings for events (rather than just using the hashtag for them), so they get notice of the events and can repost ☺️ I know LitsySwaps isn‘t up to date right now, and we got a little behind on LH last month, but generally it‘s the best way. Just FYI for future swaps 😉 6y
bookish_wookish Duhhh i never even thought of that!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thank you! 😊 @Avanders 6y
Avanders @bookish_wookish 😆😆 no worries 😘 6y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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I had fun hosting my first swap, so i thought i would host another one! I know Valentines Day may not always be the happiest day for some, so lets celebrate friendship and Littenhood on Feb. 14th with the #lonelyheartsclubswap

Signups will close Jan. 18th.

This is open to everyone! (it will ask if you want to ship internationally)

Please repost and share! 🥰 #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings


The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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Cinfhen I‘m thinking Sgt. Peoper‘s 🎵🙌🏻❤️ 6y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg
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My daughter who is a Beatles fan picked this up at a book-fair. After unsuccessfully scanning my bookshelf/stacks for #cursive titles I found this on hers.

That-Bookish-Hiker I read this book a few years ago because I'm a huge Beatles fan as well. I ended up really liking it and it's a really cute story. 7y
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Yo, Penny Lane Bloom, juro solemnemente no volver a salir con otro chico en lo que me queda de vida. De acuerdo, quizá cambie de opinión cuando ya no viva en Parkview, ni asista al instituto McKinley; pero por el momento, he terminado con los chicos. Son unos mentirosos y unos estafadores. Algunos parecen agradables, claro; pero en cuanto consiguen lo que buscan, se deshacen de ti y pasan al objetivo siguiente. Así que NO MÁS CHICOS! ⭐️⭐️

The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg

It was normal, pretty predictable, slow 🐌 but I do like how it ends.


"Todo estaba más que bien. Todo era perfecto"

Sofi07 Cómo está 8y
Sofi07 Cómo está tu libro Fer??? 8y
Fwr Es hermoso 8y
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The Lonely Hearts Club | Elizabeth Eulberg

This book was one of the first books I read where I could relate to it. Sure it's predictable at times, but that's the case with a lot of YA books. It's good, and even better if you like the Beatles.