I haven‘t read this, or seen any of the film versions... is that really bad?!
I haven‘t read this, or seen any of the film versions... is that really bad?!
This is another of the quick reads I picked up to finish out July. I‘ve had this on my TBR shelf forever—not even sure when I bought this sweet old edition! While I liked it, I wanted a bit more. It‘s made up of glimpses of Chips‘ life, as he reminiscences about his career teaching at Brookfields, his favorite little jokes, and anecdotes of interactions with students. It was sweet, but didn‘t have as much depth to it as I‘d expected.
Next up in #litsyatoz2018 in my books into film track is Goodbye, Mr. Chips. I need to cleanse my palate after reading Alive (sorry!)
I‘ve been trying to clear the decks in preparation for #makemereadit in August... and apparently doing too good of a job. In the past three days, I‘ve finished four books. Two I specifically picked up because I knew I could finish them quickly, and they‘d help tide me over to Wednesday... should have picked something longer, apparently. 😏 And, now I really need to catch up on my Litsy reviews... and buddy read discussions!
Most Popular Book of 1934. Oh my goodness! If you need a quick, light-hearted, nostalgic, feel-good story: stop right here! This was such a sweet, endearing tale about a school master. We've all (hopefully) had a teacher that changed our lives for the better, or was at least a good memory. This is Mr. Chips. I caught myself reminiscing about life once or twice while reading!
Favorite movie and vintage book cover. #titlewithgood #aprilbookshowers