"Our whole pitch is like Harry Potter and the Olympics had a baby. It's a weird pitch." -Kobe Bryant talking at #Wi14 about his new publishing career
"Our whole pitch is like Harry Potter and the Olympics had a baby. It's a weird pitch." -Kobe Bryant talking at #Wi14 about his new publishing career
For those of you who have had a rough week and are discouraged by the state of things, have a chalkboard that gets it.
Happy 75th Anniversary to The Poky Little Puppy!
This book isn't for everyone and it isn't hopeful in the same way as John's other books, but I'm glad it exists. I'm glad that he didn't fix things. I'm glad Pickett was allowed to be both guilty and dead. I'm glad Davis didn't pressure Aza. I'm glad Daisy wasn't a perfect friend and that Aza really wasn't a perfect friend. I'm glad they kept the money. And I'm glad Davis's main take away was that he's a full time brother now. #RIPHarold
"I write stories about young women that other people would label difficult." -E. Lockhart
"I got the idea to write a book about real estate. And turns out teenagers aren't that interested in real estate." -E. Lockhart talking about getting the idea for We Were Liars and how it evolved from there. This is a picture of her signing outside when a fire alarm went off in the store. #QuailRidgeBooks
E. Lockhart event at Quail Ridge Books tonight! Right now she's talking about her love/hate relationship with the privileged life she grew up in. This woman can actually write boarding school kids in a way that makes me care about them. #QuailRidgeBooks
Excited for Ryan Higgins to visit Quail Ridge this week!
While this book isn't my new favorite by any means, I love this sentiment from the illustrator. Sister love is a beautiful motivation and muse.
Librarie Bookshop, New Orleans, LA
I love this display/podium of books about comicbooks!
Book lockets from the #DragonCon dealers room. No matter how many times I see these they're still really cool.
Today at work we had a damaged copy of Mein Kampf sitting on the table in the breakroom. (I work in a bookstore and we occasionally have damaged books laying around in the back.) The whole time I was back there for my lunch break I kept witnessing coworkers come in, see it, and go "uuugghhh."
Winston-Salem, NC
Exactly one month until Star Trek Discovery!!!! Check out the great new read that my best friend sent me from her office at Penguin! #livelongandprosper
How great is it that my local fro yo place has a book exchange? See, fro yo *is* good for you.
Hey it's me! (A friend literally put this on my chair at work today.) #namepuns
I've been going through my grandpa's training materials from when he was in the Army and Air Force in the 40s. There's a big emphasis on books and research...complete with cartoons.
This book is violent so parents should keep that in mind but I still recommend it. It's creative and hilarious.
This novel told through postcards and photos is such a fantastic idea. I can't wait for the finished book to come out.
The next time I get a galley letter that doesn't have a secret message I'm going to be disappointed. This is amazing!
We had a Where's Waldo party at my bookstore last week and one of my coworkers ate his face. Now we'll never find him.
Hi Litsy! I'm back! For anyone who hasn't already discovered #LevarBurtonReads, it's a podcast that you need in your life. Like Reading Rainbow for adults...but you don't have to take my word for it.
Found this delightful piece of my childhood while digging around in my mom's game closet. Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!
Yes it's a paper towel hat, but she's so cute!
Not as action-packed as Where'd You Go Bernadette? but I enjoyed the plot and Maria Semple's voice is always amusing. And who doesn't love books with mixed media add-ins like a mini graphic novel?
"And life goes on, which seems kind of strange and cruel when you're watching someone die." This book was amazing! A++
What an amazing punishment/educational tool/precedent! And good job to my library for publicizing it on Overdrive. It sucks that people are intolerant but perhaps with punishments like this we can learn to be more empathetic as a society. #Loudoun #GraffitiReadingList #WeNeedDiverseBooks #YouRockAvelinaJacob
It's not actually a book but on Pi Day I can't help but recommend this wonderful story (told via web comic) about a college hockey player who loves to bake. You can find it at www.omgcheckplease.tumblr.com. It's adorable and the characters are A+ (although I wish there were more women in it). #PiDay
There's now a sequel to Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site!
In this book the castle's old prison/dungeon has been turned into a gym. How fitting.
This is an odd little children's story about the struggles of owning a small business and the dangers of monopolies. But check out that gallows humor that doubles as advice. Don't eat your own customers. #BuyLocal
Before and after pic. My brother and I wanted to leave a gift for our local librarians. Happy snow day everyone!
The best way to end Christmas is with the Doctor Who Christmas Special. #DoctorWhoChristmasSpecial
Just read this Christmas classic. One of the first diverse books in my childhood. #weneeddiversebooks #diverseChristmas
My #ThankfulFor picture for the #PhotoADayNov16 challenge is my gratitude journal. I started doing it after reading One Thousand Gifts but it's a great practice that lots of therapists recommend. #HappyThanksgiving
What better dysfunctional family than George and Martha from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? #PhotoADayNov16 #dysfunctionalfamily
My #onewordtitle is Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards. Yes, that Julie Andrews! #PhotoADayNov16
My headless cover pic is Be Frank With Me for the #PhotoADayNov16 challenge. Check out that monocle.
Book pyramid for the #PhotoADayNov16 challenge. I put an elephant on top because elephants probably don't get many chances to be the top of a pyramid. @RealLifeReading
My child protagonists pic for today is from Pigsty, a book where a boy's mess literally becomes a pigsty. My 2nd grade reading buddies loved. @RealLifeReading #PhotoADayNov16