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Deadlocked: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel | Charlaine Harris
20 posts | 189 read | 24 to read
The #1 New York Times Bestseller, with theoriginal hardcover art.Felipe de Castro, the vampire King of Louisiana (and Arkansas and Nevada), is in town. Its the worst possible time for a human body to show up in Eric Northmans front yardespecially the body of a woman whose blood he just drank. Now its up to Sookie and Bill, the official Area Five investigator, to solve the murder. Sookie thinks that, at least this time, the dead girls fate has nothing to do with her. But she is wrong. She has an enemy, one far more devious than she would ever suspect, who has set out to make Sookies world come crashing down.
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My reading buddy wanted to say hi. 👋🐶

wanderinglynn So cute! ❤️🐶 2y
HeyT Omg I can't with that cute tiny face! 2y
CaitlinDBurnside Cute Pooch, Great #Vampires Book Series. Hubby and I named our Ginger Cat, Quinn-the-Tiger, in honour of Charlaine Harris' character which never made it in TV series "True Blood"! 2y
InkedBookworm13 @CaitlinDBurnside Thats awesome. I really liked Quinn.. I've had many discussions with my husband about the differences between the books and the series. I actually like that they are pretty different, which is something I never say about book to movie/series. 2y
CaitlinDBurnside @LokiDokey no problems deary! As well all enjoyed the book series, we stopped watching True Blood after Season 1. I love the take of many scriptwriters who bring books to films. Such as Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, shame it didn't carry on. I was overjoyed that they ignored a few killer chapters from the Twilight Saga. Finally HP Books great, films missing good wee stories on side. Cheers! 2y
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Sometimes you just need to hang out with some vampires, werewolves, fairies, and everybody's favorite telepathic barmaid.

Traci1 These books are my go-to rereads when i need a pick me up. 3y
EclecticBookLover @Traci1 Right! They are just what I need right now. 3y
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This started a little slow but once it picked up I enjoyed it more than the last few in the series. As usual a lot is going on - vampire power plays (and fallout), fae manipulations, Were politics - standard Sookie fare. I wish the Eric storyline would resolve for good, but we can‘t always have what we want. On to the last book! #seriesread2021 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Great job! 👍 3y
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Good installment

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Eric is drinking from someone decidedly not Sookie....who then turns up very very dead! Things between sookie and Eric seem to be becoming more and more rocky with outside influence seemingly to blame. God I love a good Sookie Stackhouse book.

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After an emotionally draining week, Sundays are for resting and recharging. And, of course, #Twinkle cuddles. ❤️🐶I missed the majority of #litsypartyofone because of work, but I‘m going to make the best of the time I do have. #sundayfunday #dogsoflitsy

Sarah83 Is everything fine now? 7y
PenguinInFlight @Sarah83 Yes, things are on the upswing. Thanks for asking. ☺️💜A lot of absolutely insane things happened this week (it doesn‘t rain but it pours, I swear) and my anxiety was kicked into high gear. I‘ve been able to relax today and I‘m already feeling a lot better. 7y
Sarah83 This sounds fine. Great you had time to relax and calm down today. 😍 7y
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moranadatter How‘s Nano going? 7y
PenguinInFlight @moranadatter Not as well as I would like, but I‘m chugging along! 💜 7y
moranadatter Good work! It‘s never easy. You‘ve got this! 7y
PenguinInFlight @moranadatter thank you so much!! ☺️☺️💜 Did your last letter come? I threw out my tracking slip, I think. 😕I couldn‘t find it in my purse when I went to check on it...although my purse always manages to be somewhat of a bottomless pit, LOL. 7y
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So I'm way over due for this review.. I finished it ages ago.. And never got round to posting anything.. In all honesty.. Sims 4 may have had something to do with it 😏😁🙈🙈🙈..anyways.. I'm not much of a reviewer.. Other than.. 'omg that was awesome/complete and utter shite'.... I'll get better I promise.. 😁 Well I've loved every book so far.. This one was no different.. I really don't want them to end!!!!

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Reading my book and my kitten Lola just casually plops herself in my book! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

#reading #kitten #cute

MrBook 😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy 7y
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Cracking on with my book.. Had a busy weekend! Better catch up! #bookandtea #cuppatea #read #readingtime #ilovebooks

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So I started the Sookie Stackhouse series a while back.. I had two books left to read then some personal stuff happened and I lost my reading mojo 😢 which you all know.. Completely sucks! So now I've got my head back in the books and I'm ready to carry on and finish this series.. I do love these books.. And I'm expecting a dreadful book hangover when I'm done tho 😂😊

#deadlocked #sookiestackhouseseries #book12 #bookworm #vampires

ravengirl I love this series. I have the first 8 or so, with the original covers. I really want to finish my collection, but I am finding it hard to find them without the tv covers. 7y
Booklovinghippie Try ebay.. I had the first 9 in a set with tv covers so I wanted to get the rest in the same so they would match and I found them on ebay.. And I saw some original covers there too.. 7y
MrBook Well this is a bit late, but welcome to @Litsy ! Hope you're enjoying it here so far 😁👍🏻. 7y
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I miss counted! One more after this one.

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Okay this wasn't one of my favorite of the series and I can definitely tell it's going downhill from here but GOD Eric is annoying the hell out of me. I loved him so much at first but the cluviel dor stuff made me so upset. WHY WOULD SHE NOT SAVE HER DYING FRIEND ERIC?! I hope he can redeem himself in the next book 😵

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Today and yesterday were the hardest parts of this challenge. So as you can see for today it's several. Bonus points if you know who top left is... he's not from a book or movie. #vampchallenge #vampirebae


This was such a disappointing sort of end for me for this series. After 11 books I was loosing interest with sookie constantly getting herself in these bs situations but this just continue to get worse and make no sense. The book that came after this was total bs. I don't recommend you sticking around past the 4th book

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The time I met Charlaine Harris. My priest grew up with her in Tunica, MS and I told her she told me to tell her hello. Charlaine said, "The Delaney girls! I remember them! Wow- that's a blast from the pas-WAIT!! SHE'S A PRIEST??" BWAAAAHAHHAHAAA! Yep. A good one too. #SignedSundays #Episcopalians #SookieStackhouse

Suzze I have a signed Charlaine Harris somewhere too. I want to say it is a first edition of the first Aurora Teagarden. This was a l-o-n-g time ago. I'll have to go look for it. 8y
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I use to love the easy going nature of this series, but after a certain point they turned formulaic and then they slowly turned sloppy. Matters of convenience and contradictions abound. Not to mention plot cope outs to avoid detail. Not much happened in this, and it felt more like a giant broom sweeping out any "problems" that might have still existed. ⭐️⭐️

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I love Harris' writing, but this story is barely going anywhere. I'm trying to figure out why Sookie is being so cold to Eric...like this is all feeling so plot device-y. She's all about reminding the reader of things and so far nothing.

Josie I remember this one being more of a transition novel in the series. Not much happens except it annoying you :/ keep on though! It gets better 8y
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Decided to clear off my shelves a bit. So I figured I'd get through this one as quickly as possible and add it to my "trade in" pile. So far it's...the same as it ever was. Nothing really new so far.

bookishchelle I stopped reading the Sookie Stackhouse books after book 9. Doesn't sound like I am missing much. 8y
InLibrisVeritas @bookishchelle I remember that 10 was okay, but 11 was tedious. It's been so long since I read any of them that I'm slightly more patient with the familiarity. But yeah, you're not missing a lot. It's just Sookie doing the same things she always does. 8y
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Thanks to Barnes and Apple I got almost the entire series for free! Can't wait to get started!

Graciouswarriorprincess I love this series! True blood!😀 8y
BibliophileMomma I loved that series! 8y
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