While very strange to the unsuspecting or shallow reader, this is a story about love and hope, and change. Change is presented physically as people literally morphing into wild animals, but it‘s also about emotional growth. Book #123 in 2024
While very strange to the unsuspecting or shallow reader, this is a story about love and hope, and change. Change is presented physically as people literally morphing into wild animals, but it‘s also about emotional growth. Book #123 in 2024
I pulled this book from the 000‘s section of the library for a Beanstack challenge they are doing: read a book from each category of non-fiction books. It‘s a memoir about a woman who had polio and struggled limping through life until an amazing doctor found that her hip was deteriorating, replaced it for her and freed her from constant pain. Also the dogs she loves and her relationship with her mother. It‘s touching and unexpected. #123 #BFC21
#123 of my year & I‘m on a roll again lol it helps that we are on break from zoom school 🥵 I absolutely love this series and have put off reading book 4 because I‘m not ready to let go of John Wayne Cleaver yet 😔 but I‘m excited to see how he‘s doing. #currentlyreading #thedevilsonlyfriend #johncleaverseries #bookfour oh also I‘m listening to A Little Messed Up by June 🖤
#123 Ok so this is my December TBR pile. The only one missing is Diamond & Dawn by Lyra Selene, that will be delivered today. I think I‘ll read this one after Children of V&V. 😅 I already reached and passed my goodreads goal so it‘s all about how many I can cram in the last month and read lol so yeah. Eeeee I‘m also thinking of recording an end of year book review video/vlog? But idk because anxiety ya know.
Time for a #SummersEndReadathon mini giveaway! Everyone is doing great, so I thought to keep the momentum going I would do a few #minigiveaways!
So make sure to remember to tag me, and use the #SummersEndReadathon tag in all related posts, because Post #123, as well as the first person to reach 24 hours will get a mini giveaway. A few bookmarks, and a bookish vinyl sticker. LET‘S DO THIS! 💪🏻
For my #readingresolutions #threestack, I literally stacked One, Two, and Three. 💁 #123 #stack #stephanieplum #willthisserieseverend? @Jess7
2017 #123 Scottish flavored porn audio one this is probably the cheesiest 'historical' romance I've read since middle school when my friends and I would pass around a copy of something similar and dog ear the naughty bits. Although we never read about giant penises and gspots. Was in the mood for fluff and this just didn't satisfy. Oh, and it's read by an American trying very hard to be something akin to Scottish.
Up until now, I had just been reading this book for the book's sake. Going along for the ride, if you will.
But I HAD to make a few notes here! 😄😂🤔 So far, my favorite footnote has been #123. I get a kick out of Pemulis! #InfiniteJestBuddyRead